Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Black Rhino

Hello everyone on this windy Tuesday afternoon, Blain is off school again today but as yet his parents have not decided about the next 11 days. There are only 11 more days of school for this term.

Anyone it's Tuesday so it is creature day and today's creature is the Rhino...................

Sadly this amazing creature are seriously endangered, poachers kill them for their horns. The horns are sold to people who use them to make traditional medicine, of course there are laws and nature reserves to protect them.

They are pretty famous for their tough, leathery skin which can be 5cm or 2in thick in places. It forms large stiff plates all over its body with folds and wrinkles in between to help it move.

Yes there are several different types on of which is the black rhino from Africa which is 4m or 13ft long and around 1.75m or 6ft tall which is a tad smaller then the white rhino which is 1.9m tall. They have small brains and poor eyesight so they will charge at everything they think may be a threat. Note Black rhinos are grey not black.


  1. Interesting creature. Such a pity they are in short supply.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne - they are amazing creatures ... I came across a few when I was lucky enough to live out in Africa - take care ... Hilary

  3. It is sad to think they are endangered...

  4. Margaret D.......They are amazing

    Hilary......I would love to see them in the wild

    Rick.......Mad me sad too

    Sandie.......Yes it is

  5. Amazing creature. Stay safe and healthy.

  6. I got to see one in a zoo once. I am always horrified at poachers and cruel inhumane people.


Sierra Nevada Red Fox

                   This week we are looking at the Sierra Nevada red fox.  Then we have the Sierra Nevada red fox which is found in the ...