Monday, 2 March 2020

Did you know facts No:4

Hello world, it is a stinking bloody hot day here in Newie after going shopping with Jess this morning for some new tops for myself and found a pair of grey trousers for Leo for school.

Here is this weeks five facts...................

The song “Happy birthday to You” was originally written by sisters Mildred and Patty Hill as “Good morning to You” the words were changed and it was published in 1935.

Bats are more closely related to humans than they are to rats.

Glass is not a solid, it is made of sand and other substances, so it is what scientists call a “supercooled liquid”.

Piece's of bread were used to erase lead pencil before rubber came into use.

You can make cheese from the milk of 24 different mammals


  1. I didn't know any of them - they were all interesting!!
    Hope it cools down over there!

  2. Definitely a lot of new ones for me! :)

  3. They're interesting ... and it's always fun to recall fun information ... cheers Hilary

  4. The only one I knew was re: glass, the others were new to me!

    Have a great week and stay cool. I'd love to send you some of our cold. LOL.

  5. Sandie......Cooler today

    Rita........Vist me to learn something new

    Hilary.......Glad you liked the post

    Kea.......Yeah I knew about glass also

  6. Cool! Times Five.
    I didn't know any of this.
    Now I do :)

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Sierra Nevada Red Fox

                   This week we are looking at the Sierra Nevada red fox.  Then we have the Sierra Nevada red fox which is found in the ...