Thursday, 12 March 2020

Thursday's thought

When at last I
took the time to look
into the heart of a
flower, it opened up
a whole new world
as if a window
had been opened
to let in the sun

BY: Princess Grace of Monaco


  1. Spring is just starting to happen here. I can't wait to see the flowers. Especially since when my neighbors crocuses came up across their lawn, I thought it was just random purple ribbons of trash in the grass.

    I seriously need to get my eyes checked so I can enjoy the flowers.

  2. I am always looking out for flowers in my garden. If we look closely, we get to see the minute details of God's beautiful creation.

  3. Dear Jo-Anne, Princess Grace spoke the truth for me. That is, when I really look at something it opens up mind to possibilities and lets in the light when I'm stumbling around in darkness! Thank you for posting this. And thanks also for leaving a comment a couple of weeks ago in response to my asking you about the fires. Peace.

  4. That’s a beautiful poem and sentiment. I spend a lot of time these day looking at nature.

  5. Juli.....Mistaking flowers for ribbons of trash, priceless.............

    Nancy.....That we do

    Dee.....Well said my friend;

    Rick......Nature is full of beauty


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