Friday, 20 March 2020

No Motivvatioin and Frustration

Hello Friday, what a week its been, I for some reason have had zero motivation to do nothing much at all. The weather here is all over the place in the last 7 days it has been cold, wet and hot, hot enough for the air con which is on again today.

The empty shelves in the supermarkets is distressing for many older people and annoying to others. I have not been to the shops since last Friday, as I usually only go out once a week but this week I am confined to the house.

Yesterday Tasha had to go to 3 different supermarkets to get my groceries as well as having to go back this morning to get a couple of things but not toilet paper, thankfully I still have some.

Tim has been told to keep at least 1.5metres from passengers on his bus this is a little difficult to do also they are not suppose to handle cash but most still are.

I am not sure if I will be going to aqua on Monday, will see what happens.


  1. You should probably skip Aqua and not take any chances!
    Yes, the people hoarding all the staples are making it hard for other people who can't get them at all. Hopefully that will calm down after a while. Good grief! Going to be crazy for a while. But stay home and stay safe! :)

  2. The situation is the same over here. Weather very hot and dry. Have to drink more water to keep throat moist. So much uncertainty, so much fear over possibility of situation getting worse is causing panic buying. The army has been called in to help enforce the movement control order. Pray and hope the situation will not get worse.

  3. I would skip the aqua class too, to be safe.

    I read your comment on my blog post that your husband is a bus driver. Here they've now cordoned off the entire front of the bus, probably at least 10 feet of seats, and passengers are entering through the rear door. Transit is free for a couple of week (doesn't impact me as I have a monthly bus pass through work, but does impact many others).

    So it might be that your own city's transit does the same in short order. It's good for the drivers, but unfortunately crowds passengers closer, though most things are closed here now (retail stores, restaurants, bars/pubs, on and on).

    Please do take maximum precautions possible and stay safe. My best to you all.

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Well, it is nearly impossible to function 'normal', whatever that term means...
    Indeed, it is ridiculous to see people's behavior in hoarding things and taking it thus away from many elderly or those that have a hard time reaching a store.
    The rules for distancing yourself are often impossible to follow through in many job functions.
    Oh, next they will take away the paper money and others as it always has been a source of high contamination; it is paper after all!
    Some rulers seem to control us more and more... creating a complete New World but for sure not a better one!

  5. Dear Jo-Anne, take care please and skip whatever isn't really necessary. I'm hanging on to a prayer said by Julian of Norwich many centuries ago. She lived during the plague/pandemic called the Black Death. She said, "And all shall be well. And all shall be well. And all manner of things shall be exceeding well." That has been my mantra for many, many years. It's gotten me through a lot of ill health and I hope it will see me--and the world--through this crisis. Please take care. Peace.

  6. I am surprised the aqua is open - everything here is closed. Stay in if you can.

  7. Rita........That's what Leo said aboout aqua, hoarding is crazy

    Nancy.......So true and so sad that the army is needed

    Kea.......At the moment buses are operating as per usual, we expect that will change

    Mariette.....A friend of Tasha's gave her toilet paper to an old man because he was distressed about having none. Normal has changed

    Dee......I can do that, life here is hard but I will cope, somehow.

    Sandie.....I was surprise it was

  8. Good that there are loving and caring people among us; glad the old man got helped!

  9. Of all the things that we could share across the world like this, this virus is not what I would have picked...

  10. I don't feel very motivated. It's warm here but not really hot. The humidity isn't too bad.


  11. I vote that you skip Aqua. Stay safe, Jo-Anne.

  12. Be safe and well Jo-Anne in this trying time.
    Our pool is closed.


Sierra Nevada Red Fox

                   This week we are looking at the Sierra Nevada red fox.  Then we have the Sierra Nevada red fox which is found in the ...