Tuesday, 3 March 2020


Hello everyone, yesterday it was stinking bloody hot and today it is pretty cool, not cold and guess what I have broken out it a head to foot sweat three times this morning.

So it's Tuesday so it is creature day and today we a looking at the Mongoose, a creature with a strange name. However, it's not a goose it is cat size mammal with bushy dense fur they are small like the size of a cat, carnivorans native to southern Eurasia and mainland Africa.

They maybe small but they are known for their bravery and toughness in fights with deadly snakes which they eat. It is bloody good at jumping out of the way of snakes and such. Now because of its dense fur snakes find it is hard to sink their fangs into a mongooses thick fur. Doesn't hurt that they are also resistant to snake venom, when a snake tries it on with a mongoose it often finds its head is bitten off by the mongoose and the rest of its eaten.

Guess what some might say foolish other thing they do, they will raid a crocodile nest when the mother isn't looking and steal her eggs, they are able to do this because of how fast they move.

Lastly they make a strange noise, that sounds like giggling, especially when they are looking for a mate.


  1. Giggling while looking for a mate might make good sense. I got to laughing right here reading this. Maybe I'd be married again if I would just do as the mongoose does...aside from eating snakes and crocodile eggs/

  2. I had no idea they raid crocodile nests. Cool. And crazy. And the anti venom thing is interesting as well. I suppose there's a balance to everything in nature.

  3. Okay I love learning something new here - I have heard of a Mongoose - but never knew anything about one. Snake venom doesn't bother them - how lucky they are! Then they eat it? Yuck! But i guess good for them. sandie

  4. Very interesting and brave creature.

  5. LOL at Katie's comment!

    They're cute, aren't they? But then I think so many non-humans are cute. :-D

    Thanks for today's lesson!

  6. I can think of a lot of funny jokes about giggling when looking for a mate.

  7. I would think they'd save the giggling for when they get away with the croc egg...

  8. Katie.....You are funny, this made me giggle

    Juli......Yeah they are interesting

    Sandie......We read and learn

    Naancy.......So true

    Kea.......They are cute indeed

    Karen.....I get that

    Chris.......Maybe so

  9. I giggle that way, too.


  10. Cute but brave and vicious when they need to be. ;)

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Sierra Nevada Red Fox

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