Monday, 9 March 2020

Did you know, do you want to know, anyway here are some facts for you

Another Monday here in Newie, just saying, workmen here at the house installing a ramp at the front door and hand rails in the bathroom.

Now for this weeks five facts...................

Back in 1924the town of Fairfield in Montana over a 12 hour period had a temperature drop of 84 degrees Fahrenheit it was 63 degrees at noon but by midnight it was -21 degrees.

When she sank the Titanic had 7,500 lbs of ham on it.

It wasn't till the year 440 AD that the 25th December was celebrated as the birth date of Jesus.

The lowest temperature ever recorded in the world was 129 degrees below zero in Vostok, Antarctica on the 21st July 1983

A newborn baby expels its own body weight in poo every 60 hours


  1. I can believe that temperature change occurred in Montana. It's that kind of place. I'm glad you're getting some improvements to your house. I hope they're helpful


  2. Love the facts.
    I think they have studied and Jesus's real birthday or near it is April 3rd - have you heard that?

  3. I can believe that about Montana, too. We have drops of 40-50 degrees every so often.

    The baby poo is the one I have a hard time with. Newborns have such watery soft poo that I find that one hard to believe.

    That amount of ham--well, it was a luxury liner with a ton of people on a long trip... but wow!

  4. I didn't know approx what year people started celebration the birth of Jesus on December 25th, but I do know it tied in with the pagan Solstice celebrations of winter.

    7500 pounds of ham...I do love ham. But not quite that much. :-P

    The baby thing is gross. LOL.

    Good luck with the workmen, I hope all goes smoothly.

  5. I sure will attest to that bottom one...

  6. Ham huh? Now if it was SPAM it would probably still be edible.

  7. Juli, I don't think Spam is ever edible. The look of it frightens me.

  8. That newborn baby thing is not a surprise to me, or probably to anyone who's taken care of a newborn.

  9. Janie.....Seems like a big temp drop but I get that it happens. Spam is disgusting

    Sandie.....Yes I agree about Jesus's birthday

    Rita......It seems a lot of poo to me but who knows

    Kea......I guess these are strange and gross facts

    Juli......I do not like spam

    Karen......Yeah I get that

  10. Like you, I have had children, three as a matter of fact and I don't think any of them ever were capable of that much poo as newborns. They only drink about 3-4 oz a feeding, making it 20 oz. tops oz. in a day can they poo say, 9 pounds (my biggest boy) of poo in 60 hrs. Maybe it seems that way. :-)

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