Thursday, 7 June 2012

This and That Real Quick Now For A Nice Hot Bath....................

What a day it has been I spent the morning reading blogs and the afternoon writing a letter yes a letter I have only manage to get one written and I started it yesterday afternoon and only just finished it. Anyway before I go in and have a hot bath and think about something for tea and feed the dog I thought I would do a quick post about this and that................ 

I had to pop out with mum to Belmont Hospital she had an appointment with a specialist I had forgotten about going with her and when she turned up to get me I go to the car and ask why she was here she says I'm here to pick you up to go to the hospital silly me I rushed inside put on some shoes grapped my phone and keys and left...............
Natasha has been trying to get a house phone and internet connected at her place but when she contacted Telstra they said there was already a phone connected for her address and she was like what the hell I have never had the phone on. She had to send them a fax of her lease to prove she lives there simple right NO don't be silly this is Telstra we are talking I have just resent the fax this will be the third time it has been sent they keep “losing it” go figure..........

In the mail today was another $100 gift card for JB HI FI this one is for Kathy's birthday in September when I told Tim that what it was for he was oh that's good but when he first saw it he was why did you get that....................he complains at times about me buying them I get them from Chrisco but he likes it when he doesn't have to find money for presents when the birthdays roll around.

I am still waiting for my Mother's Day present from Natasha wouldn't want to be hanging by the neck 
Last week Tim applied for a full time position at work but he didn't get it so he is pissed off and disappointed and wonders why he bothers I hate seeing him like that he tries so hard this last time he made sure he looked good with a freshly ironed shirt and tie and polished shoes but it still didn't help him the one who got the job was the one he really didn't think had a chance.

Due to my low iron levels I had to have iron injections every second day for 10 days I had the last one yesterday, they didn't hurt to get them although they did sting a bit after I had them. Oddly enough my mum had to have iron injections herself way back in 1959 and she also had to have B12 injections back then and also at the start of this year again. Now my sister Sandra has been told her iron and B12 levels are low and the doctor wanted to start her on B12 injections today but discovered that because she is pregnant she isn't suppose to give them to her so she has sent her for more blood tests and will check about what should be done about her low B12 levels since she said her levels are pretty low. So it seems that low iron levels are running in the

My dad hasn't been the best the last few weeks and as a result he was put on Prednisone and that has but his BGL up into the mid 20's to low 30's and has had to increase his insulin and get lots of rest which is easy as he hasn't felt like doing


  1. I pray for you and your family that the Lord Jesus be always with you all.

    God bless.

  2. Never a dull moment in your house.

  3. You are smart to buy the birthday presents in advance. I am like that, too. I hope the anemia clears up with the injections. I hate being anemic when it hits me~

  4. Girl, your life is always "full" isn't it? I pray peace and rest for you from the Father above!

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh, should it be the injection not the pill?
    Yes, you are really considerate to get prepared, (haha, quite oppositefrom me. last minute person.)
    Take Care of yourself and all of your family☆☆☆
    Love you always from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  6. Sounds like a mad day so can understand the need for a nice relaxing bath. BTW I never realised you had a dog!

  7. lots on your plate! hopefully you can get some control over your low blood counts...when my daughter got hers stabilized to normal she was a different person.

  8. Definitely sounds like it runs in the family. I hope everybody is doing well soon.

    Sorry Tim didn't get the job, but it's really hard lately. Usually so many people applying for one job. It's hard, but I hope he just keeps going and trying. Something will work out eventually if he does. :)

    Hang in there!! *hugs*

  9. Victor......Thank you

    Diane B.....That's for sure

    Shelly......It I didn't buy the gift cards from Chrisco I wouldn't be able to afford to give the girls so much

    Rhonda.....Yes life is full on and some days so much seems to be happening

    Miyako.....I was taking iron tablets but they weren't working which is why I had to have the injections.....I am not big on leaving things to the last minute

    Bubbles....Yes we have a dog I will post a photo of him again, he is a bitsa.....

    Annmarie.....So far I haven't noticed any difference in myself but hopefully I will soon and will be able to stay up later at night. Life is busy here.....

    Rita.....Yeah it does seem to run in the family, Tim has applied for a full time position 4 times so far and it is upsetting when he gets knocked back each time


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