Saturday, 23 June 2012

Talk About Busy.............................I Am Exhausted................

The last few days I have been flat out like a lizard drinking, or maybe I should say I have been flat chat whichever way you put it I have been bloody busy.

Thursday I went with mum to do her monthly shopping and after I got home I read some emails and had a visit from my niece Kelli and Jono and of course baby Daemon them me and Jessica had to go and get Leo and go over to and appointment with Kaleidoscope this one was to get the results of the testing they did a month or so ago............well it seems that the day care think he is a lot more aggressive then we do in fact according to their answers he is borderline ADHD but more likely ODD............our answers said not so much ADHD but definitely ODD and I said to the doctors that I think if he has anything it is ODD...........after talking to us they said that they were going to make some adjustments to the report and send it out to us they said that after the day care get the report they should be able to get someone to help with him although most days when I ask how he has been they say he has had a good day and we haven't had any calls to pick him up so I have no idea how he is going. There was also talk about whether he will be ready for school next year the doctors didn't seem to think he would be but me I think he it maybe good for him to go to school and yes I know that he doesn't like to sit and do things like drawing or listening to stories but then I remember when Natasha was a child she was like that wasn't interested in sitting and drawling or colouring in but when she started school that changed.

Anyway we got to his appointment at 3.30pm for his 3.30 appointment and it was like 4pm before the staff came in to talk to us and the whole time we were there Leo sat on the ground playing with a train set and we didn't leave till 5.10pm, I feel if he was ADHD he wouldn't be able to sit and play for that long without getting annoyed and running around. am I right or am I right.

Moving on yesterday was Friday and like every Friday I was flat out all day up at 7am and non stop for most of the day and in the afternoon Natasha rang and asked if I could have Blain for the night and of course I said yes she dropped him off after school. Tim was late home last night so it was just me and Blain for the night.

At 11.30pm last night I was awoken to the sound of Blain throwing up and feeling the vomit on my back............yuck.............thankfully Tim was home by then and I called for him to come and help with Blain which he did he ran him a bath while I stripped the bed and put the sheets on to wash and of course remake the bed. However when it was time for us to get back into bed Blain got upset he said he didn't want to go to bed so I asked if he would like to lay in the other bed and watch a movie but he said he didn't know what to do as his mum wasn't here to ask. So I rang Natasha and then he wouldn't speak to her he did settle down after a bit and there was no more problems. Until this morning and no he wasn't sick again he didn't want to get dressed in fact I ended up taking him home in the pyjamas he slept in last night.

This morning I have spent the morning/day and reading emails and reading blogs and I have also managed to do 3 loads of washing and get it pegged out and I will shortly have to go and get it in as it should be dried............


  1. You certainly have been very busy. I like being busy sometimes, mostly I am.

    1. Thankfully I do not have that many days when I am that busy

  2. phew! I feel exhausted reading that.

    Usually schools hold back a child from an early age and its something I really really disagree with. I think no matter what the condition it they should move up with their peer group as there does come a time when they are expected to then move up to that year group or when they leave to go to their next school there isn't a person that they know because they were held back a year. Its the schools job to accomadate that child and if they have a worker to work with them, then there is no excuse to not include them with that year group.

    1. I remember when I was at school I had to repeat the 1st grade it didn't bother me but now days schools don't do it very often.....By the end of the year we should know whether Leo will start school next year or not......

  3. Busy busy lady. As they say, a woman's work is never done

    1. That is for sure us women work around the clock me I am even shopping and doing housework in my

  4. no wonder you are exhausted, hope you can enjoy a relaxing weekend.

    1. This afternoon will be a relaxing one doing nothing much except watching telly

  5. Get yourself some rest this weekend!

    1. I will this afternoon will be spent watching telly doing nothing much

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    We women always run around for something, don't we(^^;)
    Coincidentally, I wrote a post being out of shape. I feel a bit exhausted as well.
    I hope we both can have at least relaxing Sunday tomorrow, night night, my friend.
    Love you always from sis-city, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Out of shape is me for sure I am very out of shape but hell this is me, this afternoon will be spent doing nothing much no plans to go out or do anything.

  7. Had to look up ODD, not up on the latest acronyms. Hope everything works out for the little guy.

    1. Yes many people have not heard of ODD, if it wasn't for the fact that Dawson has ODD I wouldn't have know what it was either......

  8. You have been busy!
    I had to look up ODD, too. I do agree that if a child can play contentedly for almost two hours by themselves they don't seem to have attention problems.
    All the running and such--does sound exhausting! I hope you are having a quieter weekend. :)

    1. Yes I had a couple of busy days and yes many people do not know what ODD is but since Dawson is ODD I have a good idea what it is all about........


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