Sunday, 3 June 2012

More Nonsense Not From Me Talking About the Book Here Not My Ramblings...................

Ok today I want to pimp out this wonderful fellow blogger Melynda she can be found at here…………

Now she is also an author she and her latest book More Nonsense has just come out and can be found over at Amazon this link should take you straight to the site……..I hope……………………….

Now if you have never been to visit Melynda then I am telling you to do it now she just so amazing and she inspirers me so much.  


  1. Her first book is in my TBR pile. ;)

  2. I'm so touched by this Jo-anne! I don't even know what to say other than you might not want ME to inspire you. You will get in trouble with me otherwise :)

  3. i popped over and you're right she's a hoot! heres my dilemia there's no pnger a follow button on the header, so mayhaps someone can tellme how to start following anew blog now? lolol gotta love technology and my lack of comprehension!

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    I will visit her, must be an inspiring book. And you are a sweet lady ♪♪♪

    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  5. Okay on my way Jo-Anne on my way

  6. Hi All

    Please to have introduced some of you to the amazing and crazy Melynda

  7. I always like a good book review, and knowing the author is even better! Thanks for the link, Im off to have a looksy


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