Monday, 11 June 2012

Guess What I Am In A Mood.................

I everyone this morning I am in a mood not a bad mood or anything like that just a mood if I have left a comment on your blog you may have noticed I am in a rambling silly mood but hell this is me and I am awesome and if you don't agree I am awesome I am sure you will agree that at times I can be strange/odd type of person..............

So what is the topic of today’s blog well we could talk about how cold and wet it is outside not here in my lounge room as it doesn't rain inside the house and I have the heater on, yes you read that right I have the heater on.....................why because I woke up coughing my guts up and freezing and found that putting the heater on reduced the amount of coughing it hasn't stop completely but it has eased up..........that said my chest still hurts and I am getting this pain in my temple........

Why is it called a temple we don't worship it or in it which would be hard to do worship inside out that I have written that it is not so odd because I do worship in my head we call it praying.................

How did our body parts get names why are our fingers called fingers and not toes or our arms not called legs yeah I know not really important but as I said I am in a mood.............

Right now I have my dog DC inside because hubby is at work and he complains about me letting DC inside anyway he is laying in front of the heater which I also wouldn't have on if hubby was home because we all know how he complains about me having it on when he doesn't think it is needed...........

Oh speaking about hubby yesterday at work someone throw a rock at his bus hitting the window it was some little brat, so hubby ended up spending a bit of time at Toronto cop shop and he said he is willing to have the little brat charged. He was lucky he wasn't driving fast and that it didn't hit right the windscreen and that he didn't have an accident some of these rotten little brats have no idea how serious and dangerous it can be throwing things at passing vehicles.

What else can I bore entertain you with today well I could tell you that it is so dark inside this house at the moment it is like it is night time.............and I can tell you that I am watching the Tony Awards it is the first time I have ever watched the Tony Awards why am I watching it because it is on and I can't be bothered finding something else..........

Oh yeah last night I managed to stay up till 9.30pm but only because I had a 1 & ½ hour nap in the afternoon it was the first time I had a nap during the day in months and months but it gets annoying feeling like I want/need to go to bed at 7.30pm at the latest that is just not funny.............I am hoping that now that I have had the iron injections that will stop but as yet no change............

Ok I have rambled on enough for this post so I will stop now and leave everyone in peace well those of you who bothered to read this rambling post about nothing important speaking of things about nothing I never ever like the Seinfeld show..................I didn't find it interesting or funny just annoying...........


  1. i love that you are in such a good mood and are rambling this was fun and love the pictures especially the multicolored cats and the one of the kitten caption I farted to funny

  2. I love your mood, and yes, you are awesome! I really hope you feel better- wish I could send you some of the heat we have here

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    I love your mood as well commenting friends♡♡♡ And also your rambling.
    Haha, you are good at finding pictures, they made me feel lovely.
    I hope your husband didn't have much down feeling now and you take care of your self, my friend.
    Love you always from sister city, xoxo Miyako*

  4. How cute the kitty pics....hope your good mood hangs around for a long time.....! Hugs from Arkansas USA

  5. I love your ramblings, my family seem to be the opposite as me in that I feel cold and need the heating on and they its just right to have it off. It is cold which is why I keep getting coughs and colds too.

  6. Your blog is sooo adorable, I really like it! Happy summer :)


  7. Heater??? My air conditioner is having problems keeping up right now LOL

    I loved the happiness in your blog today, then again, there is always happiness in your blog Jo-Anne!!

  8. Becca.........Thank you my happy mood is continuing into today.

    Shelly.......I am feeling a bit better today I'm not coughing as much but it isn't as cold as it was yesterday

    Miyako.....Thanks I know I do like to ramble at times and I like that people like the pictures I add to my posts.....

    Madeleine.......Thanks I love writing it

    Rhonda.....Yeah I thought the kittens were cute.....

    Bubbles......Yeah I feel the cold too.......

    Susannna....Welcome pleased you liked it feel free to come back anytime......

    Elsie.....Thankfully today is not as cold and I haven't felt the need for the heater,

  9. Terrible--kids throwing rocks at vehicles! That happens here sometimes, too. What's horrible is when they do it on an overpass!! Makes you wonder about evil. And idiocy.

    I hope you and the pup warm up and your cough goes away. Have a good/better day. :)

  10. Rita.......Yes I do not understand why kids think it is fun to throw rocks at isn't as cold today thankfully but I am still coughing a fair bit.......


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