Monday, 18 June 2012

Do You Write Letters Or Only Send Texts Or Email............

Are you a letter writer? Do you write to family members or to pen pals? Do you keep letters you receive? 

I have been writing to pen pals for many years I started in my teens writing to pen pals although I don’t still write to the same pen pals I kind of stopped for a few years but when Kathy-Lee was a baby I took it up again.

I know write around 20-25 penpals from around Australia and the world, I also from time to time write to family members as I think it is nice to get letters in the mail. To me going to the mail box and finding something other than a bill or junk mail is just great.

I prefer to send letters via snail mail but that said I do sometimes write email letters some family members just to touch base. 

I see my penpals the same way I see any type of friend they are real friend they know me as well as anyone I find it easy to open up and share things with my pen pals. The good the bad and the ugly……………lol

I don’t keep any of the letters I have received over the years I use to but after a while it gets to be a bit much, ok saying I don’t keep any is a lie I do have a few letters that I have kept over the years but the bulk of my letters I do not keep anymore…………………….


  1. a couple of weeks ago i sent off 20 cards, i always do around 100 twice a year at least for christmas and halloween (my fave holiday) i also keep in touch via email and facebook but i almost never text. i like to send actual letters i think they're more personal than email. i will say letter writing/sending cards is a bit frustrating to me i only had an acknowledgement from 3 of the 20 even though most are on my facebook. i didnt expect to get a letter in reply but a thanks i got you card woulda been nice, not to mention commom courtesy. lolol cest le vie'

    1. Well if you had sent me a card I would have I send a lot of cards out at Christmas too but I love Christmas and I love to connect with people.....

  2. I used to write letters and send cards but don't anymore....

    1. I can't image not writing letters it is such a big part of my life........

  3. Sadly, I hand write very few letters these days. I use mainly text and email. Letter writing is too quickly becoming a dying art.

    1. I prefer to write a letter over sending an email but that said I do send some emails to friends but not as often, I think it is sad that letter writing is something more people don't do.......

  4. I've made my own cards for many years and have been a letter writer since I was about ten and got my first pen pal (through school) in Italy. I have always had a few pen pals and mine have shifted over the years, too. I used to keep all the letters, but it got to be a couple boxes worth and I finally shredded almost everything. I fold the letters up and put them inside handmade cards. But I also make what I call bookcards--kind of pamphlet style with the pages sew into the covers. I will always write handwritten letters until my hands don't work anymore, I guess. Love getting letters in the mail.

    But I also email. Some people are email pen pals and I keep track of several friends and family that way, too. But I never want to give up letters. I have a lifelong love of paper, ink, and pens. :):)

    1. I handwrite some letters but mostly I do mine on the computer I find it easier and neater and I like to add pictures to my letters, I email letters to a few pals but I do prefer to type it up and send them via snail mail.........

  5. As you know I write letters, I have done since I was 8 years old without a moments pause so can't imagine life without it now and its so much more then a hobby.

    As for text messages, I used to when I first got my phone about 11-12 years ago but it only last 2-3 years and I got bored of it plus no one actually sent me text about themselves it was all those fancy poem style poems etc... what was the point! In the end I gave up and now don't bother sending them. If anything my phone is never switched on and is only used in emergencies.

    As for e-mails I do from time to time but I find them a struggle as I end up doing other things and forget to reply.

    Oh! I better get to work. Have a great week.

    1. I send texts to my girls most days often I will send them a text to say goodnight or that I love them and that I am feeling proud of them, I prefer people to text me at night over ringing me doesn't interupt my TV

  6. I have one pen pal that is snail mail and when I travel send postcards to my family. I also e-mail people. I don't text though.

    1. Yesterday I wrote 3 letters to overseas pals and 3 letters to local penpals local as in Australia some weeks I get a lot of letters but I am usually on top of my mail and don't let them pile up the most I may have piles up at any time is say 6 letters.........I also send emails to a few pals but prefer to write letters and send them via snail mail

  7. I wrote very few letters once I started emailing. Then a few years ago I started writing letters to elderly friends (some who live just in the next town)and now I write to the little girl we sponsor in Guatemala. Recently I started exchanging letters with my dad's sister who is elderly. I had forgotten the joy of writing and receiving snail mail. I get so much more pleasure from it than in receiving an email. Great post!

    1. Yes there are many people who do not have email most of my penpals don't have email some are elderly and have no idea how to us email. To me there is so much job in writing and receiving letters

  8. the only time any of us write by snail mail is when we write thank you notes....and even that the kids are wanting to email...

    1. I know many people mostly in my family who do not get how much better it is to send a letter via snail mail over emailing it.....

  9. I still send hand written notes often

    1. I rarely hand write letters I do them on my computer and add photos and other pictures to them mostly because my handwritting is

  10. i used to write a lot of letters. over the years, it died down. part of the problem was i'd write but the recipients would rarely write back. everyone was too busy to sit down and reply. it's better with the use of email but even then, it's tricky.

    1. I know what you mean if you write to someone and the person doesn't reply it makes you wonder why bother, I always answer letters I recieve but I am a pen pal and I love to write letters.......

  11. Aww! I remember how excited I use to get when I received a letter. I would read it several times reading between the lines, looking for nuances and then I would write a letter in response. It was fun. I don't write letters anymore. I think we have lost the beauty of committing word to paper. So now I write a blog and share stories instead. :)

    1. Yes I agree many people now days don't know the joy of writing and recieving a letter I love to do both which is why I am a pen pal............

  12. I am really an email and text kind of person. I've never really liked the phone but I don't mind writing letters though. I know email and text is impersonal but I get my point across quicker than I would on the phone.

  13. I think sometimes if you are in a hurry sending a text or email is better as you don't have to deal with the conversation going off topic........which can happen you are talking on the phone


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