Saturday, 30 June 2012

A Baby Shower For A Beautiful Niece

Wow I have had a busy Friday no surprise there as all Fridays are busy for me but yesterday afternoon I agreed to pick Little Leo up from day care and drive him home so it was around 5.30pm before I could really relax, I did manage to read about 10 blogs yesterday but didn't get back to my blog to read all the great comments I had till this afternoon.

Today I went to a baby shower for my beautiful niece Samantha, Jessica was going to come with me but when she got her she was crying and complaining that she had a headache and was just so tired as she had been up since 4am with Leo. So being me I told her to go and have a sleep while I took Leo with me to the baby shower.

Now I couldn't remember the address for the baby shower so I went to mums place but mum had already left so then I went to my sisters place and she gave me the address then I went and called in to see Natasha and made sure she knew were to go and she said she did and that she would come with me so I took her and Blain with me.

There was a good turn out of people from Sam's family as well as from her partner "TommyLee" family. I made sure everyone had presents for her becuase that is what I do and when I got home I settled down to read some more blogs I only got through around 8 or 10 before I left then I read all my comments and then read some more blogs then I went and had a nice hot bath and now I am writing this.

Tim left this morning for work at 7am so he should be home around 5 or 6pm thankfully it has stopped raining and I hope it is fine tomorrow as well as I have washing to do but since I was out for half the day I decided to do the washing tomorrow. I am also going to do a chicken pasta dish for lunch,so I am now ringing Kathy then Natasha and letting them know in case they want to come.


  1. Congratulations.

    I love chicken pasta. Can I come too?

    God bless.

    1. You can have hubby shares he doesn't like pasta

  2. Oh Jo-Anne, I do love the chatty style of your writing. It's as if you are there in the room talking to me! We've all said this before, but you really are such a warm, loving and caring person my friend. Always making sure that everyone has a present to give and other kind things like that. I hope you manage to get a little rest over the weekend, as you must take care of yourself too!

    1. Thank you Diane yeah I am a giving person I take after my mum and my nan who are also very giving people........

  3. I echo Diane's comments above, hope you get a chance to relax over the weekend.

    1. Thank you I am hoping today will be a more relaxing day, that is if you don't count doing 2 loads of washing and vaccuming and cooking as

  4. How exciting to be welcoming a new baby to the family.
    Baby showers are such fun too

    1. Yes we had a great time and this is the second year we have had 3 babies born in the year the first being back in 2010............I have mentioned that my sister and my niece are due on the same

  5. Don't forget to take care of yourself, my friend, in the midst of all you do to care for others.

    1. Taking care of me is often low on my list of things to

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    How wonderful to expect another baby to the family "sweet expectations"♡♡♡
    I hope you can have a bit relaxing Sunday tomorrow; I am going to be busy(^^;)
    Sending you lots of love sis-city friend, xoxo Miyako

    1. Today will be some what relaxing I do have a few things to do housework wise........we are very excited about the babies which are due in September...

  7. I love baby showers! So many tiny little things and the anticipation of a new life coming into the world. So much fun!

    1. I also love baby showers also love to go shoping for baby stuff....

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you hopefully this afternoon will be more relaxing....

  9. That was so nice of you to let her sleep. I remember those tired days. sounds like it was a good baby shower once you found where to go. Hope you have a quiet weekend! :)

    1. It is me I am mum I let my daughter sleep I am always taking care of my family it is what I do........

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you she is very excited to be having her first child........

  11. congrats to the family on the impending birth!

    i agree - you write in such a chatty, newsy manner. always interesting to read but your days sometimes wear me out!

    (btw - your schoo year goes from when to when? ours is mid-august to late-may.)

  12. Our school year is from February till December

    Thank you we are all excited about the new babies comeing this year........and I am happy you like the way I write.

  13. Hi Jo Anne, wow I am so glad I finally discovered your blog. You left a message on my blog and the only link back was your Google plus account, so I had to google your name to find your blog, because I wanted to get to know you :). Kisses and congrats on your colorful blog. So lovely to make interesting new blogger friends.

    1. Welcome to my blog lovely to see new people here, and I love to go visiting so many great bloggers......I am pleased you like what you have found here.......

  14. May Samantha be healthy, smart, kind and beautiful. I wish her a warm welcome to the world :)>


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