Thursday, 14 June 2012

Lipstick, Lip Balm or Chapstick Or None Of The Above

Are you someone who likes to use a chapstick or lip balm?  If so what is your favourite kind? 

Do you wear it every day or just when you go out in the weather, or do you prefer to wear something like lipstick or lip gloss and if so do you wear it all the time or again only when you are going out. 

Now me I am not a chapstick or lip balm person I do wear lipstick when I go out but at home I don’t wear anything although lately I have had times when I have thought I should so maybe I will have to find something and give it a whirl. 

I have small lips and I think my lips are just the right size for me I know some people like to make their lips look larger than they really are but not me I do not think I look good with big lips and in fact when I wear my lipstick I do not cover my whole lips as when I do they look too big for my face…………lol


  1. I wear a lip balm in the house, but always, always lipstick when I leave home.

    1. As I said I have never tried lip balm although I have some of it sitting right next to me here at the computer along with my hand cream which I use a lot just have never opened the lip

  2. lip balms. In or out. Occasionally tinted lip balms. Chap stick in a pinch. ;)

    1. You know I never gave much thought to difference between lip products, it was only recently that I was told by a couple of sisters that they would prefer lip gloss as a gift over lipstick so I thought I would right a blog about it....

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh, my lips get easily dry. I wish to know why.p;) So,lip balm is inevitable for me. I don't wear lipstick much, whimsically sometime.

    PS> we call "リップクリーム. lip cream" for lip balm. Haha, new Japanese English for me.

    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

    1. New English term for you and a new Japanese one for me I find it interesting how different countries call the same product different names......

  4. I love Burts Bees lip balm over a pretty lip liner. I love my lips when they are lined.

    I also wear lipstick and gloss. I alternate depending on my mood and what I'm wearing. :)

    1. Lip liner now that is something I have never been able to use right it always looked odd on me so I just don't bother with it.

  5. Lippie at work and lip balm when I need it. Should have worn something on the weekend before the cold wind cracked my lips. Ouch

    1. You know I have never had cracked lips maybe that is because I don't spend a lot of time in the wind as the wind will give me ear aches

  6. I do wear anything on my lips and there are times when they are so cracked and chapped that they need something. I'm trying to slowly get used to wearing vaseline but the tubs lay forgotten

    1. I don't get cracked lips because I am rarely outside when it is windy and I have never had sunburnt lips either but I have heard that vaseline is great for very dry cracked lips although never used it myself

  7. i use aquafina lip balm, it's good stuff, very hydrating!

    1. I have never heard of Aquafina but I am in a different country what is most important is taking care of your lips

  8. lip balm with sun screen. sometimes something with a slight tint but rarely lipstick.

    1. Yes I think most lip products have some sun screen in them now days it is important for us to take care of our lips like any other part of our face

  9. I don't seem to get chapped lips. I wear lipstick during the day, yes everyday but not all day :)

    1. When I am at home I generally wear nothing because I don't think about I have some lip balm sitting next to the computer put there so I would use it but I never think about it.

  10. I do not wear anything every now and then I may add a bit of balm to my lips from the health food store made from honey

  11. See I knew there had to be people out there who didn't use anything...........I don't when I am at home but when I go out I have to have lipstick on..........

  12. I like lip gloss. Well, it's not really close but I guess lip stick with a applicator. I'm not sure what it's called. As for chapstick or balm I only use that when my lips are dry.

    1. I know what you mean about lipstick with an applicator I have seen them in the stores


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