Friday, 8 June 2012

On This Day In History...............1942

Just something about Newcastle’s history today I have been to this fort but in a while I would really love to take Little Leo and Blain to Fort Scratchley it is only a 15 minute drive from here so really no reason not to. 

At about 2.15 am on 8 June 1942, Japanese submarine I-21 under the command of Captain Kanji Matsumura, shelled Newcastle. I-21 had travelled across Stockton Bight and positioned itself about 9 kms north east of Newcastle. I-21 travelled eastwards firing almost directly across the stern of the submarine. Their orders were to shell the Newcastle shipyards.

The Japanese gun crew broke out 20 shells from the ready locker. They also brought up another 14 rounds from the armoury below decks. 8 of the shells were "illuminators" or "star shells". All 34 shells were fired at Newcastle. After 13 minutes of firing, the guns at Fort Scratchley returned fire with 4 rounds. I-21 continued firing for another 3 minutes until all 34 shells had been fired. The shelling caused minimal damage and no casualties in Newcastle.

During the shelling of Newcastle, 4 shots were fired by the guns at Fort Scratchley at the Japanese submarine a few miles out at sea. During WW2, Fort Scratchley operated in close co-operation with the nearby shore based Naval Depot HMAS Maitland.


  1. So interesting! Thanks for sharing, Jo-Anne! Have a lovely Friday, my friend. :)

  2. That is very interesting history. I didn't know that Newcastle was attacked. It would be a great place to take your grandsons when They are old enough.

  3. I love history and this was fascinating. The boys will love it when you take them~

  4. Now that was an interesting history lesson. Well done!

  5. Cool! Youll have to take me someday... if I can ever get down there...

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Wow, of course I knew our countries fought WWⅡ, but never knew this fact aouut the fire. No one I have met through our sister-city ties told me about it. I will read the link site when finding time!
    I sure would love to be with you and boys someday, if I can(^^;)
    So happy to read that the damage was minimum.
    Thank you so much sharing this with us, so interesting.

    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  7. War always makes me sad to the core. Such a beautiful, peaceful spot now, though, next to the ocean.

  8. Crystal.....Yes I thought it was interesting too when I heard it on the news I thought that is a great idea for a blog post.....

    Diane B......I knew it was attacked but to be honest never gave it a lot of thought but yesterday when I heard it was the anniversary of the attack I had to blog about it.......

    Shelly.....I also love history

    Melynda......Thank you hope you enjoyed learning a little more about my town

    CW.......It is a great place to visit I think my grandsons would love climbing on the cannnon

    Miyako.....Yeah our countries fought during WW11 but that was then and this is now, I know so old people still think badly of the Japanese but really the soliders who did the fighting were for the most part just doing thier I get older I get more intersted in history although I have always loved history it just feels more important the older I

    Rita.....Yes war is a sad business what makes me sadder and madder is the way some of our brave men and women are treated because they do their job.......

    Becca.....Happy to hear you enjoyed it.....

  9. Hi Jo-Anne, this was interesting it is amazing what I learn about blog reading. By the way thanks for your comment on my photo blog, the link is now working.

  10. LindyLou..........Pleased you liked this post and learnt something

  11. very interesting history. i've always loved history and if it had paid anything, i would have majored in history and taught it. oh well... that was then and this is now for sure.


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