Tuesday, 19 June 2012

A tribute to all mothers

Nobody can replace her... Nobody should replace her... Nobody can do half the things she does, or has done, for you... Nobody can compare to her... Only God can love you more than she does... She’s only one person... But she’s the person that matters the most... 

Do you feel this way about your mother? It is how I feel about mine but I know that not all mothers are like mine. My mother isn’t just my mum she is my best friend, it wasn’t always like that but the older I get the closer to my mum I get. When I was a child I never gave mum a lot of thought she was just mum and I thought all mums where like her, being there for her children doing stuff for us day in and day out. 

Now my nephew Dawson’s mother is not like my mum she yells at him and swears at him and calls him names, she hocks his stuff all the time and just really isn’t there for him the way I think a mother should be. 

I hope I have set a good example for my girls like my mum did for me, I have always thought if I am half as good as a mother as my mother is then I know I will have done a pretty good job……………


  1. It breaks my heart Dawson is having to go through that with his mom. I hope she is able to see how damaging that is to him before it is too late. Thankfully he has you and your mom in his life to bring some good.

    1. Yes Dawson prefers to be at his nanna's house which is his house it is the place he calls home not his mothers house or his fathers house but his nannas house is home to him......

  2. Lovely words you wrote about how you feel about your mum :)
    I hope Dawson's mum wakes up to herself before it's too late!

    1. I don't think Dawson's mum will ever change it is just the way she is......

  3. hope Davson's mom realizes the damage she is doing and wakes up before it's to late. beautiful words as always you really are inspiring

    1. Dawson's mum will never change although she thinks she will do better with her next child but only time will tell.........thank you for the kind words I talk from my heart and I do love my parents.......

  4. That is so sad about Dawson. I once met a woman who seemed so sweet with her daughter in public but when I was at home with them she was terrible to her - always swearing and calling the little girl names. It was really horrible. I was so young at the time that I didn't know what to do about it. I guess I still wouldn't know what to do. I hope Dawson's mom realizes what she's doing before it's too late.

    Mother's should be cherished. I lost my mom a long time ago but I'm lucky to have a husband and son who lift me up as a mother and tell me how awesome I am. Every mom should have that level of appreciation!! (Well, maybe not the ones who swear at their kids (lol))

    1. Well Michelle isn't like that she will yell and go off at Dawson in public and at home she has little to no self control. I think a lot of her problem is she didn't have a mother to teach her how to be a mother if you can understand that.....

  5. No, not all of us have mothers like that. I always prayed I'd be a much better mother than mine was. Judging from the kind of person my son is and how well we have always gotten along and that his wife loves me, too (and tells me I am more a mother to her than her mother ever was), I think I was. Greatest accomplishment of my life. :):)

    But the ones who aren't good mothers (or fathers)--they just don't know any better or aren't capable of being any better at the time. I think we should have classes in school about how to live in this world. How to cope with disappointment, change, roadblocks, and the people who upset us. How to take control over your reactions, to think outside the box, and to be the kind of person you want to be. It would make for better human beings and better parents. But it will never happen...because we all seem to disagree on those very points--LOL!

    1. Yes some people chose to be just like their own mum others want to be the complete opposite of their own mother........I was luck I have an awesome mother and to be just like her is the best thing ever and she also had a great mother and her mother had a great mother so great mothers run in this family.......

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh, poor your nephew "Dawson" I can guess how you must feel for him as you are such a caring mom and nun♡♡♡
    My heart also breaks when I read your return comment tha he prefers to be at his nanna's house.
    Yes, hope his mother can be changed...

    Love you always my sister-city friend, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Yes Dawson has it rough and no he isn't the easiest child but he has a good heart and I do think his mother makes things worse when he is there because of the way she talks to him

  7. Poor Dawson. A mom is supposed to be your safe soft place. Thank God he has you. You can be his safe comfortable place to call home.
    Blessings, Joanne

    1. Yeah I think the fact that Micelle didn't have a great mother has made it harder for her to know how to be a great mother..........she does love him though she just doesn't always treat him how he should be treated......


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