Thursday, 28 June 2012

How Fast Does Your Heart Beat............Or Why I Wasn't Here Yesterday...........

Yesterday was another busy day started early well early for me at 6.30am after getting Little Leo off to day care I came home and had breakfast checked a few emails only a few and then mum was here to pick me up.

She had an appointment over at the John Hunter Hospital for a CT Scan of her heart her appointment was for 9am and we were there by 8.30am and left at 12.30pm so we were there 4 hours anyway when we arrived they took mums blood pressure and checked her heart rate.

Mums heart rate was 95 beats per minute and it had to be no higher then 65 beats per minute so she was given 2 50mg tablets of something called Metoprolol Tartrate to slow her heart we were told it would take 45 - 60 minutes to work, she was given the tablets at 9.20am and after an hour her heart rate was still between 77-80 beats per minute.

Also mum was sitting in a chair at the time and she was cold and her back was starting to ache so I went and found the nurse and told her and she found mum a bed at 11am mum was given another 50mg tablet of Metoprolol Tartrate as her heart rate was still around 75 beat per minute.  This 3rd tablet did the trick and in minutes her heart rate droped to 66 beats per minute and by 11.10am it had dropped to 63 beats per minute and she was taken around to have the scan. The scan itself only takes 5 minutes and after she had the scan she had to wait half an hour before she could leave, she was given an egg sandwhich and a cup of coffee, the sandwhich was not that great and the coffee was aweful but she drank it anyway.

Mum offered to buy me lunch after we left but I said no it was to growded at the cafeteria and couldn't be bothered waiting so I had lunch when I got home and then went back to reading my emails and reading some blogs but before I knew it, it was time to go and get Little Leo from day care yes we had him here again last night.

Since we had to go to the hospital we didn't get to the nursing home to see nan and we were going to go this morning but mum is still feeling washed out and tired so I told her to get some rest and I will see her tomorrow and we will see nan next week.

So today I am at last getting a chance to do a post and read blogs but hell I read some blogs ever day just somedays I read more then other days.............


  1. you had quite the busy day! hope everything is OK with your mum's heart. i have a stress echo in a couple of weeks myself. never had one of those before.

    1. I had a stress echo test done last year and it felt like it was going to kill

  2. my mom's heart is that way beats to fast and she to has to take Metoprolol Tartrate

    1. After they took mum to have the scan I put the thing on my finger to see what my heart rate was and it was between 70-75 mostly around the 70 beats per minute so mums was a lot faster then mine. Mum said the Metoprolol tasted like asprin...

  3. You are a good daughter. I know it was a comfort to your mom to have you there through that long ordeal. Hope she gets her strength back soon~

    1. Thank you I didn't mind sitting around with her I like to go with mum to her medical appointments

  4. CT Scans can be interesting. However when it's your Mom interesting isn't the word I would. I would be worried and it would stress me out. I hope all is well with your Mom and you. :)

    1. I have had a few over the years but never one of the heart it was interesting watching mums heart rate slow down............she gets the results in about a months time......I am sure it will be all good

  5. You are good to go with your mum, many wouldn't!

    1. It is usually me who goes with mum the only time I didn't go an wait with her was when dad had his operation but then she had Sue with her

  6. I found your blog after I asked you "if you had one". The link didn't open up right away.

    My, gosh it sounds like you have your hands full. What a generous spirit you have to help your mom like this. I think that is so nice...

    1. Well you are here now and that is what matters, I do a lot of things with my mum she isn't just my mum she is my best friend

  7. Hope everything turns out good with your mum.
    I am sure it made her feel good you were with her.

    1. I am sure it will be all good I think the doctor just want to make sure he had check everything out to be on the safe side

  8. thanks jo-anne for visiting and following my blog. i hope everything is ok with your mom.

    1. You are welcome my mum is fine she was much more herself today

  9. A normal heart rate is 60 - 100 bpm. I tend to have a fast heart rate (in the night 90s), but as my doctor say, it's high normal.


    1. I didn't know what normal was until my sister told me and she found out by going online so I guess mum is in the high normal range

  10. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    I hope you (or your body) can cope with your busy schedule, my friend. I really hope your mother gets better soon!!!
    I think you are a good daughter, mother and grandmother. (whew, women have many task) Oh, forgot good wife, hehe.
    I remember I visited my late mother every day until the last day in the year 2,000 when she was in hospital with cancer. And felt really hard to see her getting weaker...

    Take Care of Yourself, my sis-city friend. Sending you love, xoxo Miyako*

    1. It is not easy to see a love one fad away I remember how it was watching my pop fad away,mum and I visisted him the day before he passed away he looked so frail at the time.......

      My mum is feeling much better more like herself today I doubt there is anything serious wrong with her......

  11. Hopefully you had more time to yourself today, hospitals are just such awful places as the staff are over worked and tired so don't always notice whats going on.

    1. It is Saturday afternoon I am only just getting back her to read comments been another couple of busy days, life never seems to slow down at

  12. Hi Jo-Anne. It must have given your mum comfort to know that you were right there with her at her hospital appointment. You are such a wonderful mum, nanna and daughter, always there to support and love your family, who I know mean so much to you. I hope that your mum will soon be feeling more rested.

    1. I do like to go with mum to her appointments but as everyone knows mum isn't just my mum she is my best friend

  13. I'm glad you and you mom enjoy each other's company. That makes the time go faster when you're hurry up and waiting. ;)
    I read blogs every day, too. Some days very few and then I get so far behind so quickly. Where do the days go? They seem to fly by. :)

    1. I know me and mum are lucky but I guess it runs in the family as mum and her mum were very close and I am also very close to my daughters, I have a couple of busy days again some weeks are busier then others

  14. The real world should always come first, I hope your Mum will be feeling better very soon.

    1. Mum is feeling much better today and I doubt there is amything wrong with her heart

  15. You are by far, one of the busiest people I read on Blogger, Jo-Anne. You are such a great daughter and great granddaughter too. I hope you're proud of yourself.

    1. Thank you yes I have another couple of busy days only mangaged to read about 10 blogs yesterday and now this afternoon found time at last to get back here and read my wonderful comments and I will soon write another post for today........

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