Sunday, 24 June 2012

A Shower Or A Bath.....................

Good morning everyone how are you all this fine day and by fine I mean bloody cold so cold that I have fingerless gloves and a long sleeve singlet on and had to have the heater on as well for a while, I just had a nice hot cup of chocolate with some biscuits.

So today I am going to ask do you prefer to have a shower or a bath................

Now I know many people thick of a bath as soaking in their own filth but really if you do not get physically dirty or even very sweaty then your not well I don't think so. I am a bath person always have been think I always will be. I find when I have a shower I get cold in fact often when I am in the shower I often cold and it worse if I have the exhaust fan on.

During these bloody cold day I have the heater one in the bathroom while I am in the bath and also in the bedroom so when I get out of the bath I can go into a warm room to get dressed.

Now when I have a bath I like a hot bath it always has to be hot the hotter the better maybe I am a bit strange liking a hot bath but hell this is me and I have always liked a hot bath..............


  1. Bath in the winter. Shower in the summer.

    1. I find I don't get as cold in the shower in the summer months.

  2. unless you shower afterwards i dont see how you get clean. it's like wallowing in a warm puddle, ICK! lol i do like a hot-tub but i shower when i'm done! i am one of those who considers it marinating in your own filth! but to each his own. :)

    1. I feel if a person is dirty then they should have a shower not a bath.........

  3. There's nothing like a hot bath for relaxing, but I always feel cleaner after a shower. Since I workout most everyday, a shower is what I usually take.

    1. Yes I find a hot bath very relaxing but as for feeling cleaner since I do not get dirty or very sweaty a bath makes me feel nice and clean

  4. I used to be a hot bath person,
    now I'm a hot shower person.... :)

    1. No matter how hot the shower is it never feels hot enough for me......

  5. Shower person. Just so much quicker and these days it's harder for me getting in and out of the tub anyways, so it's a good thing I always preferred showers. But I did used to like a good soak once in a while with candles and music and scented suds. ;)

    1. Yes a shower is quicker there is no point in having a quick bath..........

  6. I love a bath. When we remodeled the bathroom, I made sure we got a deep clawfoot tub for soaking.

    1. Oh how I would love a deep bath although my bath is deeper then my parents bath........

  7. Who doesn't like a bath. Unfortunately, when I am in a rush the shower wins out... Sigh. The luxury of a really hot bath with bubbles is indeed a pleasure and OH so relaxing. :-)

    1. Well it seems my good blog pal Timothy doens't like a bath.........strange

  8. We have a bath with a shower attached to the tap, so I mostly use the shower but occasionally fill the bath up as it soothes aches and pains.

    1. Oh how I would love to have one of those detatachable shower heads..........

  9. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    You might knowthat almost all Japanese LOVE hot bath and going hot spring is one of most wonderful leisure time♨
    I always use bath; but for my husband, he has handicap with his legs so it is kind of hard for him to get in and out. For that reason only, he uses shower. Occasionally, he uses bath like holidays.

    Yeah, most relaxing time of the day in the hot bath♡♡♡

    Love you always from sis-city, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Yes you Japanese know the joys of a hot bath and I think it sucks when a person can no longer get in and out of hot bath I hope that never happens to me.......

  10. Oh dear sorry you are finding it so cold I remember winter only too well, but hope it is a long time coming to our part of the world as summer has only just arrived.

    1. Yesterday was the coldest June day this year and I had a lot of trouble getting warm needed a nice hot bath to warm me up.......

  11. i use to take bath but now i take showers because getting in and out of baths is just to hard for me and i have the shower set up with a special seat so i can do things myself

    1. Yes many people have that problem I remember my nan always loved a hot bath just like me but had to stop having a bath because my pop needed to be able to help her and it was to hard for him to get her in and out of the tub

  12. You're right--people are either pro-bath or pro-shower. I'm a shower girl, myself.

    1. In my family I think everyone but me are shower people..........I am the odd one

  13. I remember my nan always loved a hot bath just like me but had to stop having a bath because my pop needed to be able to help her and it was to hard for him to get her in and out of the tub.


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