Saturday, 26 August 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts

 Well here we are at Saturday morning I had planned to do a Jo-Anne's thoughts post yesterday but I couldn't even get my blog page to load so it didn't happen.

So my thoughts this morning are why oh why does the internet or more likely my internet connection have to be such a bitch of a thing some days.

I spend a lot of time online each day when I get up of a morning I spend a couple of hours checking emails and visiting blogs before moving onto doing other things on the computer like writing letters.

At times I wonder how we got by without the internet, I do remember when the internet was a new thing and we had a dial up connection. In fact when we first got the internet connected we found that out of all the companies that could hook us up we really only had one option due to the companies saying that the connection would drop out too much. Although things have changed we are still with the same company.

Now not only can we be online 24/7 if we want our house phone once called a landline runs through our internet and of course we now have WiFi. So not only are our laptops connection but our smart phones, ipads or tablets and our TV.

Mobile phones now days are mini computers and many can do a bloody lot on them, I however, am not one to read emails on my phone and I no longer have a tablet, use to have one but it died and hasn't been replaced.

How often are you using the internet?

Do you have a good connection?

Do you miss it when it isn't available?


  1. Since retiring from the workforce, use of the personal computer at home has gone up a GREAT deal. But I am a technical dimwit and have to call on the oldest grandchildren if something goes wrong

    1. Yeah Tim often asks me about stuff and I will often say ask our son in-law who knows much more then we do

  2. Ma'am, I have similar problems as you. Yesterday (or the day before, whichever), my pictures kept posting backwards; maybe because I've developed a recent habit of hitting the wrong button when I try to write under them. I think I could take no internet, but so much has changed with it, it would cripple your ability to function. Meeting people such as you make it worthwhile.

    1. I often hit the wrong button while using the computer or phone, shaking doesn't help but I keep on trying at times I just have to step away and try again after a breather. Meeting you has made my blogging so much better and enjoyable.

  3. I remember dial-up! I also remember when not having a phone line made you feel cut off from everything. Now it is if I get cut off from the internet! lol! I use it every day. Being housebound for over two decades the internet is my social life and entertainment and endless how-to videos and all kinds of things. Way-way-way more than when it was just your telephone that kept you connected. I LOVE IT!! :)

    1. Yeah when we are housebound which the last few years I have became the internet makes life so much better and we can see our love ones and not just hear their voices.

  4. Oh, and even shopping, too! LOL!

    1. Thanks for the reminder I need to do the online food shopping

  5. I only read blog posts on my computer, not on my phone. I do get angry when things don't work. Yes we have a good connection. My phone, computer and Chromebook all need to be replaced because they are so old. I do not look forward to that at all.

    1. My computer often runs slow which sees me doing stuff on my phone or sitting back and listening to a book while I wait for the computer to catch up and load stuff

  6. Yeah technology was supposed to make things easier and it does when it is working - when it doesn't it can be frustrating to fix. I use my desk top for my blog - and answer from my desk top. For some reason, when I read blogs on my phone, I am unable to answer. That is frustrating and I haven't been able to fix it.

    1. I am just one of those who prefers to blog on the computer over using a phone or tablet, for me it is easier as I shake so much at times using a touch screen can be difficult


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