Tuesday, 1 August 2023

Creature Day


Good morning all another Tuesday has arrived like it does every 7 days and Tuesday is creature day and we are in Africa and the creature we have is the Jackson's Chameleon.

Jackson's chameleon, also known as Jackson's horned chameleon, three-horned chameleon or Kikuyu three-horned chameleon, is a species of chameleon native to East Africa, and introduced to Hawaii, Florida, and California.

Looking like a mini triceratops, the Jackson's chameleon has three spiky horns protruding from its face. It's because of this amazing headgear that it's called the three-horned chameleon.

Found in the mountains of Kenya and Tanzania, it lives in trees and mimics its surroundings, changing its skin colour to match twigs and foliage, and rocking back and forth in time with the rustling leaves.

Only males have horns, they use them to defend territory, locking them together they try to push each other off the branch.

They are born brown but four months later they turn bright green, the grow to about 30cm's or 12 inches. Usually docile with human interaction, they can be aggressive with other reptiles and chameleons.


  1. More interesting facts, Jo-Anne! They sure are interesting creatures. Maybe, when I visit Florida, I'll be lucky enough to see one.

  2. I have seen pictures of these before. I wish I had seen them wild in Florida when I was a kid and visited there several times. Lots of wild anoles or chameleons, though. I had several as pets--wild and from the pet shop. These are so strange and cute. :)

  3. Fascinating information. Those horns looks like they would hurt, I wonder how the females keep themselves safe.

    1. Those horns do look like they would hurt and I hope never to find out first hand

  4. Him I knew- he was a star on Wild Kingdom too many times!


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