Sunday, 19 June 2022

WEEK 24 OF 2022

 Tim back at work today after over a week off, hope all goes well for him.

Leo turned up at 10ish so I was able to sit in my armchair with the knowledge that he was here to help.

Wrote one letter but decorated a small pile of envelopes ready for letters.

It's a public holiday this Monday to celebrate the Queen's birthday,so no school today.

I managed to drag the quilt of of the washing machine and put in the dryer, also managed to get the sheets out of the washing machine. I got the quilt out and sheets into the dryer.

I also managed to empty the bins but can't get outside to place in those bins.

I started to place photo albums and some books into a storage container as I am sick of asking for someone to do it.

Tasha brought me some cupcakes chocolate and lemon meringue. Had the chocolate one and it was yummy.

Had a shit night very restless and shaking had to get up and take something to help me settle.

I had a spat with Tasha over my appointment to have the ultrasound. Tim drove me to the appointment.

I went with Tasha to the chemist to get cold tablets, this involved me walking without my walker. Tasha said I looked terrified.

Had a better night last night still up at 5.05am, washed and ready for the day. It is only 7 degrees and I have been sweating.

A reasonable day spent doing bugga all but managed to drag myself out of my armchair until 1.30pm when doing so hurt my left arm.

Been awake since 3am and up since 4.20am due to pain in my arms and shaking all over. When I laid on either side my arm would start to hurt, laying on my back caused my legs to shake. So a rough start to the day.

It has been a rough day, Tasha has gone away on her own for a few days,so I will have to manage on my own.

Jess getting me dressed for bed and Leo will put me into bed. I hope I sleep better tonight.

Slept better had to have something to help settled at 11.30pm which worked, I went back to sleep pretty quick. No fruit this morning as I am in no condition to divide it up.

Had another hard day with horrible stinging pain in my left knee.

Leo helping me into bed again today.

Had another pretty good night waking only twice. However, this morning I was crying in the bathroom due to pain and shaking and feeling useless. Tim heard me and came to help, he also made my breakfast,while I stood around crying.

Been a rough day had a lot of stinging pain in my knee again.

Tim acts as if I am a bloody lot of hard work and often talks to me in nasty degrading way, I don't think he knows he is doing it.


  1. The cup cakes sound yummy. I could go for one right now.

  2. I wonder sometimes if Tim isn't trying- albeit poorly- to motivate you. But with all the pains, and the blues that come with it, I'm not sure it helps. Maybe one of your Drs could suggest an activity schedule.

  3. Debby............They were

    Chris............Well I see the quack on Thursday


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....