Sunday, 12 June 2022

WEEK 23 OF 2022

 Had a bloody good nights sleep woke at 5.55am to a bloody cold morning.

Tim slept on his armchair as he wanted to see if it was better for his back. He moved to the bed at 6.40am when I turned the light on to have breaky.

The bathroom sink is leaking underneath but neither Tim or I can find from where.

Last night when it was time for me to get ready for bed Tim didn't want to do it he felt he had been doing all week and needed a break. So I asked Jess who wanted to know why he couldn't do it as he is my husband, she did come and help but was pissed with Tim over his attitude. Is it any wonder I feel like a burden.

Kelli isn't able to come today so Tasha said she will put me to bed.


Had a restless night waking up a number of times but going back to sleep pretty quick.

There is a strong wind and I can hear the tarp flapping and it sounds like a tile threw off the roof. Tim will need to check outside when he gets up.

Also we have no hot water,it's just warm, so I reported it to DoH.

At around 12.45 Tasha arrived in a mood her mobile wasn't working so she had to log into the WiFi and ring that way. Turns out they are doing work and the service will be out till 8pm.

So we are running low on a heap of stuff, someone was suppose to go shopping on Saturday or Sunday then it was going Monday now it is going to be Tuesday.

Woke at 4.30 and was unable to settle again due to how much I was shaking. So I got up at 5.20 had a wash and dressed, even found my long sleeve singlets I have 2 so I could wear one.

Sandy came over to pick something up and it was great seeing her.

The plumber arrived around 1.45pm took only 10 minutes to fix the problem. We should have hot water in the morning.

When leaving the plumber's assistant was driving and kangaroo the truck or as Jess says he bunny hoped thee truck.

Woke up at 5.50am and rang Tasha straight and she came straight down.

We still have no hot water. So Tim rang and let the DoH know, the plumber should be here today.

Bloody cold today and Leo says he hates the cold.

The OT and a builder from the DoH came to check out the house for the modifications to the bathroom and the new front ramp. I don't know when these modifications will happen as yet.

Still no hot water, the plumber didn't turn up yesterday, so this morning I boiled the jug and added the water to the bathroom sink in order to have a wash.

I meet Tim 39yrs ago today.

The plumber came it is a problem for the electrician.

The electrician arrived at midday and of course he turned the power off, right as I am expecting the Dr to ring, he rang Tasha's phone not mine but it is all good.

Kelli called in to print a speech that Daemon has to give at school. She also got me ready for bed.

Hot water at last so I was able to have a nice hot wash before getting dressed. I had upsetting dreams about Tasha leaving me.

Someone from Coles insurance came and took photos of the damage. We found some brand new Christmas decorations that for the most part are ok.

Jess didn't come to see if I needed any help before she left for work, I expect she thinks her dad is here so why bother.

A new day saw me sleep in till 5.40am being Saturday means it is fend for myself morning.

The shopping contained a couple of items I didn't order.

Kathy said she is sick so I told her not to worry about coming over but she turned up at 1pm. She gave me a shower.

Tasha did some shopping and Tim divided up the fruit into 5 containers.


  1. Now I have a new thing to share with everyone the next time the NASCAR crew talks about a car bunny-hopping...


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....