Friday, 3 June 2022



Had a very good nights sleep awake and up at 5.10am for another day of struggle.

Tasha came down going off because Tim didn't put Jess's new bed together but I told her that he was doing what Jess said. She told him not to put it together till she said so as she needed to sort out her room.

Micheal called in to pick up my ironing board and iron, Kathy wants to borrow them.

Kelli here to put me to bed and it is great seeing her and she is such a big help.

A new day has arrived after a decent sleep, I feel awake and with it.

A cold start to the day but I am still sweating.

Tim back on afternoons which he likes.

Dave turned up around 12.45 to drop something off on his lunch break, it was great seeing him.

Wake at 4am to pee then back to bed to lay pretty much awake till 5am when I got up to start the day.

Tim is on late start today not leaving here till 1.45pm.

The pain in my left arm has settled down while the pain in my left knee is now bad. I can't win.

I woke at 3am to pee and found Tim asleep on the lounge, so I woke him and told him to come to bed. I don't get falling asleep watching telly.

This morning I had trouble with my left hearing aid it wouldn't hold together took a while to get it to stay in my ear without the back/battery bit falling off.

I set fire to the bathroom, it must have been me as no one else awake to do so, when I am tense or stressed I burn some incense and even though I throw the stick in the sink and run water over it part of it must have fallen into the clothes basket we have for towels.

I was sitting here reading blogs and the smoke alarm went off so I walk down the hall to check and could see the flames under the bathroom door.

I yelled for Tim who jumped out of bed and managed to get it out with minimal damage. Tasha will clean up the mess.

I feel like shit.............

After sorting out the bathroom I return to computer to find I have no internet. Tim rang Telstra we need a new modem so I am off line till that happens.

Had a restless night but not to bad at the same time, woke at 4.50am feeling refreshed although I nearly ended up on the floor trying to get out of bed. Tried using my phones data to get online and yeah it worked but Coles would not load to gave up.

Just read that my penfriend Cassa has passed away, she is the penpal who had a heart attack.

Jessica is working all night doing traffic control work so is sleeping today.

A new day has arrived and this morning I woke to find myself in bed alone. Tim I found asleep in his arm chair.

A wet start to the day.

Tim rang Telstra as we got a sms saying to ring them turns out the woman we spoke to on Wednesday gave us the wrong information it now seems that there is a problem their end and that takes 2-3 working days to fix. If after that we still can't get online we will get another modem.

Wet all day more or less also bloody cold.

Had a call from Psych2U about my referral to see a psychiatrist, Tasha talk to them as I wasn't with it. They told her a rebate of $230. However I told Tasha that I should get 20 free visits with my mental heath care plan so Tim will ring them on Monday and sort it out.

I knew it cost around that as Mum had to pay $600 when Dawson was seeing a psychiatrist.

Had a decent night woke a few times but settled down again till 4am when I found myself unable to settle so at 5.05am I got up.

Tim was asleep on the lounge but shortly woke and went to bed for a few hours.

Another cold and wet day.

Tim did the grocery shopping which is good but he didn't pay close attention to the note I did for him.

Kathy showered me and then she cleaned the bathroom, it looks a lot better. She was annoyed that I hadn't had a shower since last Saturday. I do have a wash each morning.


  1. So I take it you are back in the house. Boy, there sure is a lot going on. Burning down the bathroom is not a good thing. I'd feel bad too but thank God it didn't burn the house down and no one was injured. Then move on.

  2. Boy, first the fire, then the tree! Anyway, Laurie always falls asleep to the TV. I only do it when it's something I actually want to watch...

  3. Careful with that incense! Fires are scary!

  4. Debby..............Didn't burn it down, just started a small fire

    Chris..........I know what a couple of weeks we have had

    Kathy..........No touching them again, I will stick to candles


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....