Thursday, 13 March 2014


I drafted this yesterday afternoon while I was at Jessica's place waiting for her as she was late leaving my place, because Kelli had her car ans she was late getting back from her sister's place. I could had gone home but I told Jessica I would wait for her at her place.

So sitting there I thought about what we do when it comes to waiting in the car for someone, I like to read if I have a book in the car but yesterday I didn't have one, I will have to fix that. We usually have paper and a pen in the car so I wrote this, time goes faster if we have something to do while we are waiting.

I have spent a lot of time sitting and waiting in cars over the years, I use to write letters to penpals while I waited for the girls to get out of school way back when. Now I don't spend as much time waiting in the car but when I do I like to find something to do to help past the time.

Leo spent a bit of time playing with my phone, and then decided to get out of the car and walked around. We didn't have a key to the house so we couldn't get in but he was well behaved more or less. Although after a while he comes to me and says “the house is open nanna” I get out of the car and go and look and yes the house is open, I asked him how he got the door open, he said “ I climbed in the toilet window”.

While I waited for Jessica I washed he dishes for her then Leo and I played a card game, Jessica got home around 4pm so I was there waiting for an hour.

Today I have been sick again, I spent all day in bed because last night I was up and down to the toilet all night I was that sick. Thankfully Kelli drove Leo to school and she picked him up from school this afternoon, she is a such a big help to me.  


  1. I hope you feel better soon- and he is a smart little boy!

    1. Yes he is great little boy and I do love him but I guess that comes as no surprise to anyone.

  2. Now we know why Leo likes Spider-Man...

  3. He broke into the house??? AWESOME!!! :)

    Sorry you're not feeling great. I wait often in the car. I will read, but depending on the time I have to wait, I mainly check emails etc. so I have a clean inbox when I get home.

    1. Yeah I thought he was amazing finding a way into the house,

  4. I always have a book with me and sometimes write letters. Once I actually watched youtube videos on my cell phone--LOL! But on the whole, I prefer a paperback.

    I hope you are feeling better.

    1. I love having a book in the car and nice paperback doesn't take up a lot space and is always there when needed

  5. I miss writing letters---no one does that anymore. It's all emails. Hey, I hope you are feeling better now---get lots of rest if you can!

    1. I do it all the time, I have 3 letters waiting to be answered which I will try and get down tomorrow, I do them on the computer or I type them because my handwriting is often hard to read and I like to do long letters usually my letters are between 3-6 pages long

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I'm not a good waiter - well it depends. If I am in traffic ( a form of waiting) I get impatient and try to find an alternate route. Now granted that route may take me out of my way - but as long as I am moving, I'm happy.

      If I am prepared - waiting is relaxing. If I am not prepared waiting is annoying. If it is something I am excited for, waiting seems like forever.

      I wish I was better at waiting.

    2. I also hate waiting in traffic and like you will often take a different route so I am not just sitting and waiting

  7. What a shame about being sick again. It just seems not to want to go away. Could it possibly be a food allergy?

    1. I don't think I have a food allergy but anyway today I am much better

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