Monday, 10 March 2014

Climbing and Jumping

Ok here is the thing I am wondering what everyone thinks about children playing in cars, I do not allow it but Jessica does. I am worried if the child plays in the car they will break something or put it in gear and it will roll either forward or more likely back and if it rolls back it will run into the house and cause some damage and this would not be good.

I am a bit more lenient when it comes to the boys Blain & Leo climbing on the car but still it is not allowed I just don't get as bent out of shape because of it. Jessica also doesn't care if the climb on her car but her car is older and has more dents in it then mine does.

I don't like it either when I see the boys climbing on top of the carport roof, because they could either fall off it or fall through it, the carport is like bloody years old, I don't know for sure how old but it has been there since we have been here and we have been here for 26yrs and these units are 39yrs old so the carport is properly been there for 39yrs. So who knows what would happen if the climbed on them, so better safe then sorry.

I also am forever complaining about Leo and Daemon climbing on the lounge and jumping off, but I also don't get bent out of shape about that either, now when it comes to jumping on my bed, well I am fine with that I don't care if Daemon, Sydney-May and Summer want to jump on my bed but the older boys Blain & Leo are not allow to jump on it they are too big for that.


  1. I had a friend many years ago whose son got in her car. He put it in gear and it rolled down a hill. Fortunately, he wasn't injured. Cars are not toys.


    1. Yes my brother climbed into out parents car when it was on the ramps as day was working on the car and knocked into gear and it rolled forward and ended up on top of dad who thankfully wasn't hurt so I know the dangers of kids in cars

  2. They should not be in a car unsupervised ever! It sounds like the children need a trampoline.

    1. I agree I would love to have room for a trampoline

  3. Mine never played in the car- but they are girls and it was never something they asked about.

    1. My girls never wanted to play in the car either so maybe it is a boy thing

  4. Car is no place for play. Too many stories of kids getting hurt for me to think that it is anything but a stupid idea. Sorry.

    1. That's for sure, I don't like the boys in the car and when I see them I make sure they get out

  5. I'm not big on car play. Too much can go wrong. But to each their own. :)



    1. Yes that is how I feel if Jes is ok with them playing in her car then so be it

  6. You and I are on the same page, Jo-Anne.

  7. My house. My rules.
    My car. My rules.
    That's how I see it.
    They can do what they want at home--or what they are allowed to do. But when they are with me--my rules.
    I was even like that when my son was little and neighbor kids came over. Kids know what they can get by with and what they can't pretty quickly. :)

    1. Yes when the girls were little I had that saying my house my rules don't like it go home

  8. I agree with the others. Cars aren't toys and kids need to learn that early on. Too many accidents related to children and cars.


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