Monday, 3 March 2014

Cyber Bullying

Hello everyone, I am feeling better today, although I am worn out and exhausted this afternoon and would love a nap but that isn't going to happen as we have Leo and Jessica here for the night so that means I am not going to have a good nights sleep as we will have Leo sleeping with us again tonight.

The other day I was talking to mum and she brought up the topic of cyber bullying, now why a 74 year old woman would decide to talk about cyber bullying is beyond me, the woman doesn't even use a computer.

She asked me why is it that when someone says they are being bullied on Facebook, they don't just shut it down and not bother going onto Facebook. I have to say I don't really know the answer to that question, because I agree if you are being bullied and on social media well just shut the page down or don't use it. Get another email address if needed and open up another account but use a different name or something so those who are picking on you and making life difficult can't find you.

I know that social media is oh so important now days, I do I have a Facebook account but hell it isn't the end of the world if you do not have it, even more so when you are a teenage who is being bullied and made to feel miserable.  


  1. I think most people just don't think of the obvious when it occurs. Part of bullying the act of not including an individual in an activity. So the bullies have accomplished their goal if a person leaves, but it does make sense to avoid it if you are being bullied online.

    1. I didn't mention it in the post because I got distracted but if you are on Facebook and someone is being nasty to you then you can block them this I know as my daughter and niece have blocked people at times

  2. I tend to agree with you but on the other hand we should have the right to use modern technology to be sociable without being bullied just like kids have the right to attend school and get an education without being bullied. However, it is difficult to stamp out and a lot more work needs to be done in teaching people how to deal with bullying and more effort put into teaching appropriate social skills,. Our society is declining in this area.

    1. Yes it is difficult to stamp it out and I agree a lot of work needs to be done on this and people should use the blocking option on Facebook when needed.

  3. I had a friend that was always getting her feeling hurt on Facebook. She would see her sisters talking about things like family parties that she wasn't invited to. So she closed down her Facebook account. THEN, she was always wondering about what was going on with the other people that she could snoop on, on FB. So she opened her account again.

    I think that people don't shut down there account because while they may want to avoid one person, they want to know what there other friends and family are up to.

    1. Your friend sounds like her own worse enemy, if there is only a few people who are the problem then block them.

  4. yeah I don't get it either. I don't get bullied by right now on my blog I am being spammed by another blogger. He sends me comments which are moderated and I just send them to spam. Nothing nasty, just trying to proselytize me.

  5. You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Bullying is the manifestation of an infantile and primitive need to become the leader of the pack. The modern day bully believes he is a human being, but he is an animal.The Practical joker can be a funny guy, until he finds someone who doesn't find him funny. Then the bully within him has identified a potential victim. Keep safe and protected bring it check this out at Be safe always don't be victim bring protection with your family and friends.

  6. I'm glad Facebook wasn't around when my kids were young. I seldom go on FB because someone has bullied me there. I'm not a kid, but I don't like it so I stay away.


  7. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Great subject and it happens a lot more often than what one thinks... not only to teenagers!
    While I was up in the air at 10,000 m height, a mean relative did spat her gal by writing hateful comments. Also on FB. Sure I have blocked her and some others that teamed up with her.
    It is very sad that some indeed have that primitive urge to attack from a distance. They never could face it person to person but this way gives them a feelign they achieved something. No they have NOT, they only revealed to the world their true colors.
    Hugs to you,

    1. Oh yeah many people show their true colours on Facebook by saying things they would never dream of saying face to face to somebody.

  8. I just block people I don't like on Facebook. Then they can't bother me... Or I set them on fire. Sometimes both. Because I'm thorough.



    1. Yes blocking people is a good idea, setting them on fire is a better

  9. I use Facebook. I have learnt many information's from there. I am having contact with most of my friends through that. Bad as well as good things are there.
    I too love blogging.

  10. I know how it feels to be bullied because I already experienced that since then. However, this safety service which I found is a very great help to protect and keep you safe. There are many safety features here you can find, check it here:

    1. I was also bullied as a child but not so much as an adult

  11. The problem of children bullying each other is not new. Most of us have encountered a bully at some point in our lives. Usually parents worry about their child becoming the victim to a bully in school. It is often quite a surprise for parents to find out that their child is the one doing the bullying. As upsetting as it is to discover this behavior, you must stay calm. To successfully help your child, you must go about resolving the problem the appropriate way.Luckily, after reading articles online, I found a perfect solution that has been working perfectly for your children and the rest of the family. Check this link:

  12. Your mama is quite a smart mum. More people should listen to her. She makes a lot of sense.

  13. I personally don't understand that, either. Just go off the social network. Live off the social grid. I thought you could make your facebook private, too?


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