Thursday, 6 March 2014


We often here that sisters have a special bond and I don't doubt that I have 3 sisters myself and we are all close in different ways.

However I am now wondering do brothers have any type of bond, I have a brother but the relationship between a brother and sister is different than the one that is between siblings of the same gender.

Well that is my thought anyway, how about others do you think there is a different relationship between siblings of the same gender and siblings of different genders.

Also I think siblings who are raised in different homes have a different relationship to those who are raised in the same household.

Let's think of those who are step siblings do you think they can have just as a strong relationship as those who are of the same parents? Since I don't have an step siblings I have no idea about this one so I will leave that to those who do have them and have more of an idea.   


  1. A very good question. I actually think it is all about the home environment the siblings were raised in.

  2. An interesting answer, you could be right

  3. I have two sisters and one brother, and I agree that while I am close to them all, the bond I have with my sisters is different than that with my brother.

  4. I feel next to no bond with my sisters. Favorite Young Man and The Hurricane don't see each other very often, but they definitely have a bond. I don't know what it's like compared to people who feel a bond with sisters. FYM always picks up The Hurricane and hugs her, so perhaps part of their bond is that he has always been the older, stronger one who looks out for her and protects her.


    1. Yeah I get that some families don't have the same type of bond that I have with my sisters and even my brother.

  5. My brother, sister and I are very close. I feel sorry for my husband who is an only child. Sometimes he has trouble understanding my relationship with my siblings - our occasional tiffs - but he's also envious of our closeness.

    1. Tim has 3 brothers and 1 sister and they are anything but close, and he is a little envious of my relationship with my siblings

  6. My brother and I were 5 years apart and always moved in different circles of friends. He left home when I was 14 and I didn't see him very often as he was in a different country. It wasn't until we were middle aged that we became close. My two girls are very close even though they live in different countries.

    1. Even though there is nearly 6 years between me and my closest sister Jeannie and closer to 15 years between me and my youngest sister we have all always been pretty close.


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