Sunday, 2 March 2014

A Bit About Kelli

Good afternoon all well it is Sunday afternoon here and I can tell you I had a long morning, cooking yeah I did a baked lunch for the family out of my girls I had Kathy and Jess turn up for lunch with their kids even Michael came. I did baked veggies ie: potato, sweet potato, carrots, pumpkin, along with peas & corn and warm bread rolls. Did I feel like doing this today, no I didn't but I said I would so I did.

Yesterday was spent in bed, I got up a couple of times for an hour or so but mostly I was in bed sick, and I am still not feeling 100% today but I do not feel like I have the time to be sick today and of course we will have Leo for the night because well I am a big softie and said he could stay as long as papa is prepared to watch him when I go to be and I do think I will be going to bed early tonight and of course Kelli is here and she is such a big help with him.

We have had the starter motor replaced in the car, so fingers crossed it will now run ok and that is the end of the trouble with it.

Thankfully on Friday Kelli had Jono's car here and we where able to use that to go shopping, have to say it was nice having someone drive me around for a change.

Also this morning before Kathy & family arrived Kelli cleaned up the lounge room and dining room thank you for that Kelli, Aunty Jo does appreciate all the help you give me. Honestly I am going to miss it when you move out although I hope it will not be any time soon, because I like having you here.

Have I ever told you all about Kelli, I know I have mentioned her a lot here but have I really told you much about her, I think not.

So let's fix that, she is my niece the youngest daughter of my sister Sue, she is turning 20 this year in 12 days to be exact. She is the mother of Daemon who you all know turn 2 only a week ago. Kelli and I are so much alike in fact she is more like me then she is her own mother although when we were younger me and Sue were thought to be a lot alike. 

We both like the colour purple and caramel mud cakes, also fruit and nut chocolate just to name a few things 

I just asked Jessica for three words to describe Kelli, she chose caring, loving and short, and yeah they do describe Kelli she is in fact one of the most caring girls I know along with loving, short well we are all short in this family except for my brother David.

Anyway back to Kelli as I said we are so much alike and I feel a real connection with her I feel like I can tell her anything and I can rely on her to be there for me and to support me and to be honest with me. She is like my daughter more then my niece now days and I know this might annoy Sue but I don't think it should.

Oh yeah Kelli is so pretty as well but then again all my girls are pretty and like all my girls her beauty comes from inside. She has a boyfriend/partner that would be Jono for those who don't know Jono is not only Daemon's dad but Blain's dad as well and he is called dad by Leo even though he is not Leo's dad but this isn't about Jono so let's get back to Kelli. Kelli & Jono are unable to live together right now, he is living with his mum and his mum doesn't like Kelli, why I don't what is not to like. Oh yeah I know Kelli is a strong willed girl who speaks her mind and his mother doesn't like that and of course she is my niece and the woman doesn't like me for so strange reason, really what is not to like.............


  1. I hope you feel better really soon!

    1. The new week has started so I no longer have time to be

  2. Kelli does sound sweet to be so helpful. AND she is so very pretty.

  3. Those eyes!
    Your family ties are so strong--how lucky for you!

    1. Yeah family is so important to me and I know how lucky I am

  4. While you may not feel in the pink, at least be cheered that it's not snowing where you are. Get well!

    1. Yeah no snow here just rain and not much of that either

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Kelli looks very open and loving and I certainly do wish her a good life. WHY oh why are some relatives making life like hell at times?
    She deserves far better. Is that mother of her partner jealous or what... He is an adult and can live his own life I guess.
    Hope you recovered by now and feel fit again.

    1. Yes I am feeling much now, and yes Kelli does deserve better and no one knows what Jono's mother's problem is


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