Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Leo's colouring pictures and I made choc chip muffins

If you were to walk up to my front door today you would see some lamented colouring pages stuck to it, you see over the weekend Leo decided he wanted to colour in and had me print off a number of pages of Spiderman all of which he has coloured in and then he stuck them to the loungeroom wall.

However on Monday I decided take them down and laminate them are replace them this time on the glass door I double sided the pictures turning 8 into 4 and when Leo saw them he was pleased when I showed him how the laminating protects the pictures he was very happy, as he said now I can keep them for a long long time.

So here is the question for the day, do you keep the pictures your little ones have done and have you ever thought to laminate them to protect them, I am now going to get the pictures my girls did when they were little out and laminate them to protect them.

I started writing this then decided to go and make some triple choc muffins and a chocolate pudding for desert . Leo comes in from school and he is excited to see the muffins and of course the first thing he says to me is can I have one.

Took me back to when my girls were little and I would often back a cake or muffins in the afternoon ready for them when they got home from school.


  1. I have kept their old pictures, but I never thought to laminate them. Such a good idea! On a related note, we still have a laminated Christmas tree ornament of a paper angel that Mrs. Penwasser made something like 40 years ago! It's one of our favorites.

    1. Yeah I think laminating is a good idea it does protect the artwork

  2. Chocolate chip muffins sounds really good!

  3. The laminating is a really good idea, as were the chocolate chip muffins and pudding! Hope you are feeling better~

  4. Hang onto them until they fall apart. They are the most precious form of art.

    1. Yeah that is the plan and I agree they are precious

  5. I've kept a few old drawings the kids did but never thought to laminate them. I have some of The Hurricane's paintings framed and covered with glass, but she was older when she painted.


    1. I have framed a couple of things Jessica did and have them hanging on the wall in the hallway

  6. Ooooh, email me a chocolate chip muffin, please :)
    Love Leo's coloring ... an artist in the making!

  7. Choc chip muffin emailed...............lol
    Thank you Leo did have fun colouring them in

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