Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Family Stuff

I don't know what I did this morning but my back has been so bad, I am in so much pain I can hardly move just sitting it agony so try and imagine how much pain I was in when I went out to peg the clothes on the line. In fact getting in and out of the car this morning was terrible I looked like an old

There was so much I wanted to do today but I have been unable to move and so have done nothing much at all, of course I did take Leo to school as well as a load of washing and pegged it out on the line.

This morning Kelli & Jessica went to Kmart and I would have loved to have gone with them but alas I had to take Leo to school and come home and do the washing, I did send Jess a text asking if she could look for ¾ pants for me but she didn't get the message till just before she got home.

This morning when I went to take Leo to school I noticed the wipers were not working in the car, neither the front or the back wipers, when I told Tim he wasn't happy he goes out and tries them and they didn't work so he said he will look at them over the weekend, so I hope it doesn't rain between now and then. I said to him it was a good thing I noticed before it rained, I only went to clean the windscreen this morning it wasn't raining or anything.

Tomorrow Leo is having his school photo done, I just hope he remembers to hand in the envelope as he is terrible at remembering these things, hopefully the teacher will tell him to check his bag as I will make sure it is in his bag in the morning.

I can tell you he is doing really well at school this year and loves going to school which is good as all parents know it is better when you don't have a battle to get the child to school of a morning,

Blain has settled nicely into his new school and according to Natasha he likes it, Sydney-May is doing really well at her day care she is one smart little girl, and Summer has settled in well at the day care, she is now going to the same day care as Sydney-May which is so much easier for Kathy-Lee.  


  1. I'm so sorry about your back. Maybe it's a muscle spasm? I hope you feel better soon, and I'm glad the children are doing so well.


    1. I have been told that they think I might have arthritis in my back when I asked about a xray I was told it is not necessary but I am considering going back to the doctor and demanding an xray just to see if it shows something.

  2. I do hope your back gets better. I had back surgery several years ago, and I well remember what an agony it was.

    1. I am still suffering but I have been suffering for a couple of years now so that comes as no surprise

  3. Back pain is no fun, especially with all your little dependents. Hope it gets better quick. Good thing you aren't getting our weather!

    1. I am having another afternoon in pain,from the base of my neck till my tailbone

  4. I am in sympathy with you as I have a bad back too at the moment. I tried to play tennis this morning but every time I bent down to pick up the ball it was agony.

    1. I haven't played tennis in years, don't know if I would be able to manage it now days I am in that much pain

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