Wednesday, 19 March 2014

My Tooth, My Back & My Granddaughter

Well here it is Wednesday lunchtime..........aka........midday, and I am at last getting around to writing again, yesterday was one of those days when I seemed to get nothing done. I did go and see my nan with mum after we dropped Kayla at school, Liarna came with us though.

Kelli is trying to get Daemon into a day care one day a week but so far every one she has contacted doesn't have any vacancies for 2yr olds. The only one that had any vacancies was the one she doesn't want to send him to, it is Leo's old day care the one Sydney started out at and the one Temika goes to but Kelli doesn't like the day care and that is ok she has her reasons for not liking the place.

This morning Jessica told me that from Friday she will be working every Friday and she said she will have to get up early to go to work by early she is talking about 6am and for her that is early. Hell for me that is Anyway she said she would make some enquiries at the local OOSH (out of school hours) to see about maybe getting Leo in there on Friday's as it is located at his school. Friday's are my only busy day as it is my shopping day and we start the day off by meeting the family at a local shopping centre's food court for breakfast.

Tomorrow I am going to have my tooth filled, remember it broke a few weeks back well I will get it filled tomorrow at long last I went to the dental clinic this morning had to wait a while before I was called in and I was in the chair less then 5 minutes she took a look at it said it needed to be filled and sent me out to have an appointment arranged for that to be done.

I also have to have a ct scan done of my back and an xray of my knee. I hope the ct scan shows something as my back is really bad lately so bad that many days I can barely move and when I go to bed I have been having trouble settling down at night due to the pain.

Today I have Summer and when Kathy dropped her off I made the mistake of telling her that we would be going to take Leo to school, she was annoyed saying she didn't want Summer in the car for that long.

Right now Summer is down for a nap and so is Daemon both are quiet and both went down without a fuss. Tim is asleep in the chair next to me so the house is pretty quiet right now.


  1. Take care of yourself my friend- hope you are feeling better and fixed up soon!

    1. Thank you I am doing ok today although I found it difficult to get off the ct scan bed

  2. Omg, just reading about your busy life makes MY back hurt! I hope you get some relief soon. ::hugs::

  3. All your days sound busy to me - not just your Fridays. But I can tell you love it like that :)

  4. Replies
    1. I would rather anyone but me have a bad

  5. You have so so so much to do. Like many of we women, you have risen beautifully to the occasion despite your own trials you endure. xxoo

  6. This is Katie Isabella as well. I am her momma. :-)

  7. Let us know if they find anything out with the scan. Back pain can really keep you awake at night--yes! :(

    1. I will let you know had the scan done today couldn't get off the bed after it was

  8. *sigh* I don't miss the days of finding daycare. :( So frustrating.

    Hope you're feeling better soon... I also need to do something soon about my yucky goings on. *sigh* Next month.... maybe...

    1. Yeah finding a day care can be so frustrating she will keep looking

  9. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Hope your back is giving you some relief as it is a very scary thing. I had an MRI done in the end of 2009 as I was crying for pain in my bed. That was the beginning of getting paralyzed in January of 2010. A very rare auto immune disease and not funny. I lost so much weight because of the excruciating pain. WHY woud the body attack itself?! Tricky and complicated at times... Prednisone worked for me but it also caused some kidney damage so I'm now in stage II of chronic kidney disease. Well, if I manage to keep it at that, still fine.
    Good luck with you and maybe you should add some vitamin B12? One never knows what shortage might trigger something like that. I have been eating very conscious since than.

    1. I do take vitamin B complex but could add B12, my mum has a bad back hers is riddled with arthritis but don't think mine has got to that stage yet will know more tomorrow.

  10. Go for it! Hope it goes well for you. Just make sure that you get quality dental work that will prep your teeth up for the long haul. Shouldn't be a problem if you go to your trusted dentist.

    Dr. Kent Davis

  11. This is a really compelling piece. By the way, how's your tooth now? Dental trips can be quite an experience for some people. Hope yours turned out well and had resulted positively with regard to your oral health.

    Jamie DeFinnis @ Back Mountain Dental

  12. It seems you had a lot going on with your health back then – dental stuff included. I hope both the CT scan and tooth implant went well, and that you have recuperated from all of it soon after. How are you doing now? Take care of yourself, Jo-Anne!

    Garry Owen @ New Century Dental Group


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