Monday, 24 March 2014

Traffic Jams

How do you deal with traffic jams?

Do you remember the last time you got stuck in a traffic jam?

I am not talking about the usually peak hour traffic that is stop and go and even though it is slow moving you are in fact moving.

No I am thinking of the type of traffic jam were you find yourself sitting and waiting for so long that you turn the car off between moving. It has been a long bloody time since I was in a traffic jam like that and in fact the last time we were Tim got inpatient and turned off the first chance he got and took us the bloody long way round which may or may not have been quicker.

I have thought a few times if I was caught in a jam like that if I was in my parents motor home I could have a nap, or make something to eat and it might not seem so long, hell if I had a pillow I could have a nap in the car anyway the only thing that would really get me is if I had to go to the toilet but if I was in the motor home that wouldn't be a problem


  1. I always make a list of the things that I need to be doing. And usually when I'm stuck in a traffic jam I always seem to be running late so I get a little impatient.

    1. Aren't we all, who gets in a traffic jam when they have plenty of time to kill

  2. How do I deal with traffic jams?
    By peeing in a cup.
    But, I guess that isn't very helpful, is it?

    1. Wish I could pee in a cup, I need a bucket and not easy to hid peeing a bucket in the back seat of the

  3. Hi Jo-Anne, I will always get caught in a traffic jam if I am running late, always the way, isn't it. Then it is finger tapping, muttering and the usual question we ask ourselves, "why did I come this way" Now that I have moved to the country, I don't get caught often.

    1. We don't have many traffic jams here either thank goodness for that

  4. A motor home would sure be handy in that situation. I would play with my iPhone.

    1. I often play with my phone but not if I am

  5. I very rarely get caught up in traffic. There are many areas that get jammed up here especially in the event of an accident but there usually is a nearby exit to get off and take a different route. When I do occasionally get stuck, I am pretty patient.

    1. Not much point in getting all hot under the collar and bent out of shape over the traffic jam it will not make the traffic move any faster so why bother

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Funny that you use a photo from Flagler Street in Miami, Florida... That city sure can show you some REAL traffic jam and you better stay off the road around start and ending of the work day.
    Atlanta is really bad as well and we always have to calculate for trying to leave the city before 4:00 PM (16:00) or else you are a sitting duck! Yeah, like you say, you could be doing many things in order to kill your time but there is no escape and NO toilet either...

  7. We have a few major road works happening in our area and they can certainly lead to long delays on the way home. Worst thing is if there is an accident. That can be very frustrating

  8. Traffic jams can take all the fun out of a road trip, of that I'm sure! It's so frustrating to sit in your car for hours on end, waiting for the cars in front of you to start moving. The heat, the smoke, the frustration of knowing you're wasting your time - it's one of the worst things that could happen while you're on the road!

    Sarah Erwin

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