Sunday, 26 June 2022

WEEK 25 OF 2022


Another mostly good night and a struggle when I got up, Tim helped me a bit.

Still a lot of knee pain but Leo is a big help. Not up to doing much at all, including getting myself food.

Kelli arrived around 2pm to settle me down for the night, damn I am glad to see her.

Had a rough start to the night but managed to settle after a bit and had a good night in the end.

Rang Tasha at 5am just to see if she was home yet, she came down in a mood and got my breakfast. Kathy came in and helped me dress before heading home.

I understand that she must feel that she isn't home 1 minute when I am needing her help.

Didn't take Leo up the front as it is too wet.

Been a so so day with pain and struggle.

Had a somewhat restless night but I got through it somehow, woke at 4.45 and up at 5am. Struggled to get dressed but did it with tears.

My knee is still bad but I managed to do a few little things before the pain got too bad.

I need to take more care bringing the scooter inside as yet again I nearly tumbled of the ramp.

Had a good night woke at 4.15 to pee but wasn't able to settle again so up at 4.45. Another cold day.

Took some Celecoxib (anti-inflammatory) for my knee and it has helped.

Sandy came over to pick up some forms we printed for her and it was great seeing her.

Had a good night and woke with very little pain, I am also wearing nice earrings since I am going to see the neurologist.

Sydney-May came home from camp sick with RSV so is off school I expect until Monday. Kathy said she is pretty sick.

Had a good trip to Sydney and home again. We took the wheelchair this time instead of the scooter. Which was better.

The visit went better then expected. She said I have a Dystonic tremor and has prescribed some tablets to try and if they don't work maybe botox injection into my neck may help. She couldn't say why I have no strength or why I feel like my feet are clued to the ground when I try to walk.

Had a good nights sleep it took a bit to settle last night but when I did I slept till 3.45am when then till 5.15 when I got up. I am feeling not the best.

I have improved through the day not feel too bad at the moment.

At 11.30 a bloke arrived and removed the two cupboard damaged when the tree came though the roof.

Jess suppose to get me ready for bed but forgot about me and just left for work. I will get myself ready for bed, this I can do slowly and often with pain but I can do it. Leo will help me into bed.

Saturday again and Tim is working today as they are short staffed. I just realised yesterday was my niece Freya's 4th birthday silly me forgot. Also today is Micheal's birthday, I sent him a text wishing happy birthday, only to realise I was a month early, silly me.

A good day pain wise, Leo here all day supporting me.

I have to get myself ready for bed but Leo will help me into bed


  1. So many ups and downs, wishing you a few really good days in a row.

  2. Oh, I've done that before - getting dates mixed up. The time I remember the most was when I sent my dad a birthday card for Father's Day. I never lived that one down. Hey, I was still thinking of him...what's the big deal?

    I hope the anti-inflammatory works for you and you get some relief.

  3. You do have, as the commenter above me here said, so many ups and downs. It makes me sad reading what a terrible time you have each day and night. I would so wish--- and I do wish that something good would come your way. I don't want you to suffer so much. I care.

  4. Sounds like not a terrible week... hope next is even better.

  5. I hope the new tablets work!
    Leo is such a big help for you. :)

  6. Karen.............Yes life is full of ups and downs

    Debby.............The anti-inflammatory has helped, Micheal saw the funny side

    Katie............ Yeah my life is all over the place but it could be worse

    Chris............Just pretty average

    Rita...........Me too and Leo is amazing


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....