Monday, 15 February 2021

More Facts For Monday


Hello Monday, hello facts.................again

A dolphins hearing is so acute that it can pick up an underwater sound from 15 miles away.

In 1956, there was an iceberg in the South Pacific larger than Belgium.

At one time in Bangladesh a child as young as 15 could be jailed for cheating on exams

In the Caribbean, there are oysters that can climb trees.

The oldest exposed surface on Earth is New Zealand's South Island


  1. Oysters that climb trees???? I have legs and can't do that anymore@!

  2. I'm with Chris... We'll leave the climbing trees to the oysters. :)

  3. Oysters that can climb trees! I used to have a Treeing Walker Coonhound. Supposedly the dogs are capable of climbing trees but are trained to point instead of climb. My dog often pointed but never made an attempt at climbing. I adopted him and he retired from hunting.


  4. Really some interesting ones this week! :)

  5. I love dolphins. Wow! I didn't know oysters can climb trees! Have a wonderful new week.

  6. Tree-climbing oysters? Now that one is bizarre!! Now I'll have to Google to find out why they developed that ability!

  7. Chris.......Thjat;'s weird


    Janie........Dogs climbing trees, what the hell

    Rita....Thank You

    Nancy....dolphons are awesome

    Kea........Yep bizarrie inddeed


Week 11 of 2025

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