Saturday, 13 February 2021

Another Week In My Life

 Up at 7am after a lousy night it was 9.30 before my body settled enough for sleep.

Kathy here by 8 to shower me and do my ironing.

Jess working today, her clean white shirt somehow properly from her wet hair has a large stain.

Tim has decided against sending the letter.

Started raining around 2pm

Saw Kelli and her kids that was great, I had Blain,Leo, Daemon & Freya here.

Woke and got up at 6am after a better nights sleep. Opened the house and Tasha arrived.

Tim working today then he has another 6 days off.

Going to be another hot day and I will again be drenched in swear.

Woke with the alarm, opened the house and Tasha arrived and helped me get ready for the day.

Tim wore his new glasses yesterday and they were blurry and not right, so he went and spoke to optometrist and has an appointment this afternoon to have them checked.

Tasha went off at Tim about him leaving a mess in the kitchen at night. This of course pissed him off, all I thought was don't involve me.

Tim is now getting new glasses, multi-focal ones. I hope they are not going to cost more.

Mum sounded good today more with it.

Woke at 5.35 but decided to lay there till the alarm went off which I did, although the alarm went off a lot sooner then I thought it would. I think I must have dozed off again.

Tasha was going to shower me but she is feeling unwell this morning.

I bought Jess a vacuum cleaner, she just has to pick it up tomorrow.

At 1pm Tasha arrived and said it was shower time.

Mum was good today didn't repeat herself once.

I woke at 5.20am and had to pee so got up. It is raining, heavy at times.

I still was able to take Leo up to meet his drive.

It stopped raining around 9am.

Went with Jess to pick up her new vacuum cleaner, I saw Dave while I was there.

Sandra came over to pick up mum's Mastercard. Mum said if dhe wanted to make the payments she can use it to pay for her CTP.

This afternoon mum told me how she rang her bank to talk about her Chrisco order, so I asked if she rang the bank or Chrisco she said Chrisco

Up just before the alarm, it's cool and dry

Went to get Leo only to be told he isn't going today as he has a doctor's appointment at the JHH. I will be going with them.

Took Leo to his pediatrician appointment and none of us liked the guy much, thought he was rude

Jess said he might grow on us but we will see.

Leo was un-medicated and argumentative,

Up just before alarm, in for a bloody hot day.

The day is warm but not too bad no need for A/C.

Finally spoke to Tim about his new glasses they are costing an extra $90 I hope he likes them,

Mum sounded good, she had a phone call from Aunty Pat she said it was hard to understand her and at first mum hung up on her, but Kristine (cousin) rang back and explained it was Pat calling.

Aunty Pat is 80 and has been in a nursing home for around 10yrs. She has MS, dementia and other problems.

Tash & Jess both are going to settle me down this afternoon. As Blain is at his mum's this weekend.


  1. I too need to get a new pair of glasses, this current one is not so clear. Good to know that you, your family and your mom are all doing well and so is your aunty Pat.

  2. Busy week.
    I hope Tim likes his new glasses and Jess likes her new vacuum cleaner.
    Have a good weekend. :)

  3. Nancy.......I wear +3 that I bought from a bargain shop aka $2 shop

    Rita......I hope he likes them too, Jess alreay has complained about the vacuum

  4. Getting new glasses can be frustrating. A number of years ago I had a pair I had to return three times before they were done right.



Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....