Friday 5 February 2021

What Jo-Anne Thinks


Hi all this is a what Jo-Anne thinks..............

Today I am thinking about hair cuts and styles everyone has a different idea what looks good and what looks horrible. I am sure many people will think I look horrible of ridicules but I am fine with how I look,

Yesterday I allowed Tim to cut my hair using his hair clippers with the largest setting because Tasha wanted me too have very short hair.

So short hair is what I have.


  1. It looks good - you have your hair how you want it.

  2. I think you look good. Most important is you can keep it anyway you want it. I too have short hair. Easy to maintain and I think it is neat.

  3. Awesome! And the bonus is that it's SO easy to care for!

    I had very short years for most of my child and early adult years, and I still have it "short" at chin length. I've been tempted many a time to get it all buzzed off, though, especially during our pandemic lockdowns!

  4. Tim did a great job.
    I don't know who would think you look horrible, but it's not someone you need in your life.

  5. One of my blogger buddies from when I first started is 37, and is battling stage 4 cancer. She's been given 2 years to live. People all over are shaving their hair similar to yours in solidarity and support. I wish I were that brave.

    If you like it, that's all that matters. :)

  6. Sandie......Thanks

    Margaret D.......Thanks, yeah I do

    Nancy.....Thank you, I am ok with it

    Kea........I do like short hair as I get hair headaches if it too kong

    Karen.....No one has but there are people who might

  7. I think it looks good, Jo-anne, and Tim did a good job with it. I'm about to get an additional 5 inches off mine next week for a long bob..only just past shoulder length. It's in the middle of my back as always now. Tired of it.

  8. Katie.........Thanks he always does a good job, he has been doding it for 30 odd years



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