Saturday, 6 February 2021

Life herelast week


Had a sleep in till 7.20am and got my own breakfast.

Kathy & girls turned up at 8.45 to shower me and do my ironing for me.

Mum's 81st birthday, I printed a mother-daughter poem for her and I had 2 $10 gift cards for Woolworths, this made her happy.

I went over for lunch, we had fish and chips. Little Denni was not happy about that.

Tim arrived just after we ordered lunch so it was good to have him there.

It was a good day.

Awake and up at 6.30 suppose to be another 24 with thunderstorms aka a sticky day for me again.

Tim at work today then he is off f or 6 days using his long service leave.

Mum was all over the place when we spoke.

Woke at 5.50 and straight out of bed as school is back. Opened the house and had my wash and Tasha arrived to get me ready for the day.

Leo wasn't able to find a school shirt this morning.

Tim took his bike and got a price to spruce it up cost $5400.

Also arranged for the front sliding door glass to be replaced cost $625 at my suggestion Tim & Leo will split the cost.

Mum was sounding good not rambling as much.

I woke before the alarm at 6am, opened the house and then Tasha arrived.

Another cool/cold and wet morning, Tim went up with Leo because of the rain.

Tim emailed the DoH about a neighbour, as in a complaint.

The glass in the front sliding door was replaced.

Mum was rambling a lot this afternoon. She said she thought that Sandy & Sue were talking about her on the weekend, I told her that didn't happen but she sounded like she didn't believe me.

What a shit night I had I kept waking every 2-3 hrs which is so annoying. The last time was 9 mins before my alarm so I got up.

A cold start to the day had to wear my white jacket, when I went with Leo to meet his driver.

Tim at last posted the dozen letters I had ready to be posted.

He also took the bike in for it's freshen up and of course paid our contents insurance.

Mum was all over the place this afternoon.

Slept better but not great woke before the alarm, found the kitchen a mess.

Had my yearly eye check up these I have because I have diabetes, all is good no problems with them.

Tim has gone fishing over at Stockton beach.

After returning from fishing Tim cut my hair very short as in a number 6 with his clippers. Yes it is shorter then I like but I go nowhere and see no one so I will be fine.

A new day, suppose to be hotish around 28 degrees.

I am swimming in sweat.

Had a lay down for about an hour but didn't nap. As it is a late day for Jess and Tasha has to drive Blain to his dads.

Jess here by 4.15 earlier then expected.

It is 7pm and I am s o tired just can't settle, I feel very restless.

Tim showed me a letter he has written to a neighbour we don't like I told him kinda what I think, I will talk to him more tomorrow. It is too religious.


  1. Happy 81st birthday to your mum. Long time I haven't had fish and chips. I hope everything will work out well with your neighbour. Have a great weekend.

  2. Fish and chips sure sound good to me right now.

    Can't wait to hear about the letter.

  3. Glad to hear the eye appt was good, mine was too.

  4. Nancy.....Thanks from mum, she isn't a nice woman but don't give her a thought

    Debby......The fish & chips were niceTim has changed his mind about the letter

    Chris.......Yep don't need eye problems as well

  5. Happy birthday to your mom!
    Good to get things fixed like the glass.
    I hope it isn't too warm there. Super cold here.

  6. Happy belated birthday to your mom, Jo-Anne. And you week went along with no surprises...that's always good.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

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