Saturday 27 February 2021

Just Another Week


Had a sleep in woke at 7am and got straight up, managed my own breakfast.

Kathy and Summer arrived around 9ish to shower me and do the ironing.

Gave Summer her birthday present a jewellery making kit. She loved it. Her birthday is tomorrow.

Been a nice day not hot nor cold.

Mum was telling me about when she meet Dad again, and how he wanted to pass first as he didn't think he would cope without mum.

Woke at 6.30 and out of bed 10 mins later, Tim was up getting dressed for work.

Been a hot day, needed the A/C on, as I was drenched in sweat.

Gave Daemon his birthday card with a $10 gift card in it. It is his birthday tomorrow.

Mum was rambling a bit she sounded ok just rambling but I am ok with that.

Woke before the alarm at 6am when Tim's alarm went off.

A workman came and asked if he could park his ute in our carport and I said he could. 10 minutes later Tim came home and was pissed that he couldn't park there. I yelled out that I had said he could park there. Then he was pissed with me saying I shouldn't had said yes, I said nothing.

I later told him I did not appreciate how he spoke to me.

He was ok when he left for work again.

Been hot enough for A/C

Woke at 5.59am just before Tim's alarm went off, it was very dark outside and cold, also raining on and off. Still managed to go with Leo to meet his driver.

Tim home for a bit, he has a split shift.

Raining this afternoon so Tasha meet Leo.

Short chat to mum this afternoon as the lawn blokes turned up and it was hard to hear even though I had the doors shut.

Woke around 5ish and got up when Tim did at 5.30

Had a washed and opened the house then went to attempt to dress myself, managed underwear and had shorts half pulled up when Tasha arrived to help.

Yesterday afternoon Sandy asked me if I could print something and Zac picked up the papers this morning.

Mum went to the JHH to see a cardiologist and left thinking what was the point of that visit. She said she thought he was a bit slack.

Decided to change from listening to a book on my table to listening through the CD player via USB the tablet keeps freezing and taking ages to load and it was pissing me off.

Later start, 5.50 this morning, after another restless night. A warm day with me sweating as usual.

I ironed Jess's work shirt just in case she works Saturday.

I changed the towels not the ones we use in the bathroom but the ones I use outside under the chair I sit in to watch the traffic and relax. As I sweat so much I need something to walk on so I don't get dirt and grit on my feet.

Tasha came down at 2.30 to give me a shower.

Left at the usual time to meet Leo only to find him outside his house, what the hell.............

he must have left early.

Woke with the alarm, up washed and ready for the day.

Another warm day, Tim home for a bit he has a split shift.

Mum said she had a bad day yesterday as Michelle was going off about what Dawson buys from Chrisco. However, who wants to spend money on someone who opens a present looks at it says “nice, thanks” takes gift home were it sit on the floor untouched for months. Also Dawson is turning 22 in 2 months.

Leo said this afternoon he doesn't like school I hope it was just that he had a bad day.

Friday 26 February 2021

What Jo-Anne Thinks


Hello everyone, it is Friday again so let's talk about what Jo-Anne thinks,..........

This morning I am thinking about depression................

I suffer from depression have done for many years, but when my eldest was a teenager she started hurting herself and I took her to see a counsellor after a few months the decision was made to try her on medication.

My daughter saw someone, so did I and the lady I saw explained that my daughter had a chemical imbalance in the brain which could take years to fix or she may have it for the rest of her life.

My depression crept up on my over time and like my daughter I had counselling for years before I was prescribed anti-depression medication. I have been on medication since 2007.

Medication is wonderful, but not for everyone.

First comes counselling, then if that doesn't help maybe medication will help.

Going on medication doesn't have to mean it is forever, my husband took anti-depression medication for only 2 years and is fine now.

Nothing can or will be done unless you admit to yourself that all is not right, you know in yourself that you are not just sad, or that you have become too emotional and you feel like everyone is plotting against you part of you knows something is wrong.

Depression isn't something you can just snap out of...........

It takes time, patience, work and maybe medication............

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Poem Day Today


Seeing Ourselves Clearly

©  More By Lauren Bowman

Published: November 15, 2020

It’s difficult to take in the entirety of something
when you are standing inside of it.
Valleys are best seen from peaks.
Mountains from their bases.
The ocean from the shore.
Perhaps this is why we rely on other’s eyes
to see ourselves clearly.
Perhaps this is why we struggle to wholly view
who we are.


Tuesday 23 February 2021

Indestructible Stff Day


Good morning, good afternoon or good whatever time it is for you. Here we are at another Tuesday.

Let's talk about a nuclear bunker after the invention of the nuclear bomb many people were afraid of a nuclear war.

So nuclear bunkers were invented, these were underground shelters, encased in concrete and covered in a deep layer of soil.

Nuclear bombs release explosive energy for splitting atoms apart. After the explosion harmful radioactive fallout can spread over a wide area.

This means people don't just need to avoid the blast, they need to stay underground and in a bunker for months or years.

Today, we are less worried about a nuclear war, and yes some of these bunkers are still ready for us others have been turned into tourist attractions.

Monday 22 February 2021

Monday's Facts

Hello Monday, hello facts and hello world.................

The South Pole is colder than the North Pole

M & M;s are said to have been invented so that soldiers could eat chocolate without getting sticky fingers.

In the remote island on St Kilda, Scotland letters were once placed in hollowed-out driftwood attached to an inflated sheep's bladder. These were set adrift in the north Atlantic, where current, wind and luck carried the mail ashore to the mainland.

Cranberries where once tested for ripeness by bouncing them, a fully ripened cranberry will bounce like a ball.

The Earth has in its history been hit by at least one million meteors.

Saturday 20 February 2021

Another Week Of My Life


Woke at 6ama, had to pee so got up. Found the washing machine going so Tasha had been.

I get my own breakfast on Saturdays as it is Tasha's morning off.

Tim had a phone call last night from his supervisor telling him that his drivers authority has been cancelled. What the hell....

Tim has gone to Service NSW they think the medical form got lost in cyberspace.

He will have to contact the transport people on Monday but he cannot work till it is sorted out.

It has rained most of the day.

I woke at 6.40 so a bit of a sleep in.

It is Tasha's birthday she knows what I ordered and understands that it hasn't arrived.

Tim is shortening some of my long pants, turning them into shorts, with me sweating so much I wear knee length or ¾ length pants all the time now. Also I often find it difficult to get shorts the right length and size.

I woke with the alarm this morning, a cool dry day so far. Tim rang up about his DA and it should be all sorted in a day or so.

He has taken a Dr's certificate for 2 days off work due to a flare up of gout.

Jess needs to return the new vacuum cleaner as it was smoking when Leo went to use it.

Tasha said it is ok just smells new to her, Tim said the same but she can do what she likes.

Woke at 6am got up and opened the house up then Tasha arrived. Raining this morning but I still managed to go with Leo to meet driver.

Tree remove people turned up remove o r trim trees in the park area. 3 or 4 large trucks with equipment.

One [oece of equipment got bogged and they had to get a big ass truck into remove it.

Woman in unit 114 was outside watching and taking photos.

Mum asked me if I would like to go with her & Sandy to see Jeannie and her house, we haven't seen her house sine she moved into it.

I am excited about going.

Tim goes back to work tomorrow

Woke at 5.25am tried to lay there till 6am but I really needed to pee so got up.

Opened the house and as getting thing ready in the kitchen when Tash arrived in a mood. She said I should had rang her when I got up but I do not want to do that.

Sandy picked me up and we went to Jeannie's, she has a nice house, I liked it, there is a nice back yard as well.

Tim back at work this afternoon.

Woke at 5.40am and got up as needed to pee. Opened the house and sent Tasha a text letting her know.

A bit of rain around mid morning, heavy at timed.

Tim left for work an hour earlier then needed.

Mum was ok today, rambling a bit but of.

Awake at 4.30, managed to doze a bit till 5.30 when I decided to get up . Sent Tasha a text letting her know I was up at around 6ish.

I had opened the house and started getting thing out ready to prepare breakfast.

Had a heavy down pour at 7am and again at 9/30. I was able to take Leo this morning.

Tim picked up his bike, he is pleased with it more or less.

Ordered new school boots for Leo

Friday 19 February 2021

what Jo-Anne Thinks

 Hello everyone on this some what wet morning here in my part of Newie............

So it's Friday and that means it is what Jo-Anne thinks day and today I am thinking about, happiness............

Happiness is more then a state of mind, it is linked to our whole body when we are in pain all the bloody time it can have a negative effect oh how happy we feel.

I do believe that we can choose to have a positive happy inspiring thoughts over negative thought and to a degree we can choose to be happy. Yes I know it's not that simple but I feel it is harder to be happy when you find unhappy thought trying to take over.

Happiness is different for each different person, some people find their happiness has a lot to do with their work. Others it has a lot to do with their friends and then there are people like me who find happiness is linked to family.

I choose to see the good in people and things, this does not mean that I am always happy and cheerful, being happy & cheerful do not have to go hand in hand. They just often do...............

Sadly for some being happy & cheerful are a mask to hide sadness and unhappiness. Worse still it can be a mask for depression. Depression will be a different post.

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Poem Day Today


Despite The Storms

©  More By S.C. Lourie

Published: October 6, 2020

Despite the storms,
beauty arrives like
it was always going to.
Despite the darkness,
the light returns.
Despite your loss,
your heart will be
full again.
Despite the breaking,
your heart will feel
like it belongs in the
land of joy once more.
This is how it will
always be. Keep living.


Tuesday 16 February 2021

Indestructible Stuff Day


Hi Tuesday, how are you, I am fine and of course it is indestructible stuff day and today's stuff is a cyclone shelter.

In 1970 a devastating natural disaster struck the low lying country of Bangladesh the Bhola Cyclone, a powerful windstorm brought wind, rain and tidal surges causing flooding, flaring homes and farms.

When rebuilding they erected big,strong storm-proof buildings on legs to hide in until danger passes during future storms. So since 1970 Bangladesh has built thousands of super-strength shelters across the flat land near the cost.

A flat roof is an important design feature, it allows helicopters to land on it to deliver supplies or evacuate people. These shelters often look like big boxes on stilts.

Monday 15 February 2021

More Facts For Monday


Hello Monday, hello facts.................again

A dolphins hearing is so acute that it can pick up an underwater sound from 15 miles away.

In 1956, there was an iceberg in the South Pacific larger than Belgium.

At one time in Bangladesh a child as young as 15 could be jailed for cheating on exams

In the Caribbean, there are oysters that can climb trees.

The oldest exposed surface on Earth is New Zealand's South Island

Saturday 13 February 2021

Another Week In My Life

 Up at 7am after a lousy night it was 9.30 before my body settled enough for sleep.

Kathy here by 8 to shower me and do my ironing.

Jess working today, her clean white shirt somehow properly from her wet hair has a large stain.

Tim has decided against sending the letter.

Started raining around 2pm

Saw Kelli and her kids that was great, I had Blain,Leo, Daemon & Freya here.

Woke and got up at 6am after a better nights sleep. Opened the house and Tasha arrived.

Tim working today then he has another 6 days off.

Going to be another hot day and I will again be drenched in swear.

Woke with the alarm, opened the house and Tasha arrived and helped me get ready for the day.

Tim wore his new glasses yesterday and they were blurry and not right, so he went and spoke to optometrist and has an appointment this afternoon to have them checked.

Tasha went off at Tim about him leaving a mess in the kitchen at night. This of course pissed him off, all I thought was don't involve me.

Tim is now getting new glasses, multi-focal ones. I hope they are not going to cost more.

Mum sounded good today more with it.

Woke at 5.35 but decided to lay there till the alarm went off which I did, although the alarm went off a lot sooner then I thought it would. I think I must have dozed off again.

Tasha was going to shower me but she is feeling unwell this morning.

I bought Jess a vacuum cleaner, she just has to pick it up tomorrow.

At 1pm Tasha arrived and said it was shower time.

Mum was good today didn't repeat herself once.

I woke at 5.20am and had to pee so got up. It is raining, heavy at times.

I still was able to take Leo up to meet his drive.

It stopped raining around 9am.

Went with Jess to pick up her new vacuum cleaner, I saw Dave while I was there.

Sandra came over to pick up mum's Mastercard. Mum said if dhe wanted to make the payments she can use it to pay for her CTP.

This afternoon mum told me how she rang her bank to talk about her Chrisco order, so I asked if she rang the bank or Chrisco she said Chrisco

Up just before the alarm, it's cool and dry

Went to get Leo only to be told he isn't going today as he has a doctor's appointment at the JHH. I will be going with them.

Took Leo to his pediatrician appointment and none of us liked the guy much, thought he was rude

Jess said he might grow on us but we will see.

Leo was un-medicated and argumentative,

Up just before alarm, in for a bloody hot day.

The day is warm but not too bad no need for A/C.

Finally spoke to Tim about his new glasses they are costing an extra $90 I hope he likes them,

Mum sounded good, she had a phone call from Aunty Pat she said it was hard to understand her and at first mum hung up on her, but Kristine (cousin) rang back and explained it was Pat calling.

Aunty Pat is 80 and has been in a nursing home for around 10yrs. She has MS, dementia and other problems.

Tash & Jess both are going to settle me down this afternoon. As Blain is at his mum's this weekend.

Friday 12 February 2021

What Jo-Anne Thinks


Here we are with another what Jo-Anne thinks posy, today I am thinking about rude doctors something we encountered yesterday.

I know I am not the only person to have encountered one, but still what the hell is with them. Also why do we not think of a come back answer till after the visit is over with.

Yesterday Leo had an appointment with a new pediatrician and we all left saying to each other that he was rude and bossy. This man who said he had a lot of training in dealing with children, really didn't seem to know how to speak to someone with ODD, ADHD & Autism.

Telling a child like Leo to “man up” and take a, Leo reacted badly and said “hell no, ain't gonna happen”..........., this dufus, went on and on about it for a few more minutes. He wanted to switch Leo from short acting to long acting medication, yes it might be easier but Leo isn't interested as yet.

There is a doctor at my GP practice that is rude and I refuse to see the man.

I have wondered at times if these rude people realise they are rude...........

I also wonder at times if they would care if they knew????????

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Poem Day


A Thought True To You


Published: February 2011

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet,
And I love you.

Your smile is amazing.
Your beauty so true.
Your eyes shine like stars.
They will see our love through.

You're a gift from the angels.
They made you in heaven,
The girl that I dreamed about
Since I was eleven.

You came into my life
And you turned it upside down.
You're an absolute princess,
Worthy of more than a crown.

I promise you everything,
Everything I have to give.
I promise to love you
As long as I live.

You're my absolute world.
You mean everything to me.
You're perfect,
And you always shall be.


Tuesday 9 February 2021

Time for something indestructible stuff

 Hello to another Tuesday I am talking a tad about Deep-Sea Submersible another indestructible thing.

In the deepest ocean the water pressure is so great that it's like being squashed by the weight of 4,000 elephants. So to go exploring there you need special equipment or a specially designed underwater vehicle called a submersible that can take the strain.

One of the best known and most successful submersible is named Alvin, it started operating in 1964, it carried a crew of three and dove as deep as 4,500 metres or 14,764 feet.

The pressure proof cabin is a sphere, the longest shape possible and is made of 50mm or 2inch thick titanium with 5 viewing windows.

In 2014 the submersible Nereus was exploring 9900m down in the Kermadec Trench near New Zealand when the pressure got too much and imploded. Lucky it was remotely operated and had no crew on board.

Monday 8 February 2021

Monday facts..........................................

 ello Monday, hello facts.................

Diners are part of a rich tradition in America. Over the years the staff of these local restaurants have even invented their own language for dishes served.

Adam and Eve on a raft” means two poached eggs on toast

Zeppelins, in a fog” is sausages and mashed potatoes

Cowboy with spurs is a western omelette with chips

Stretch” means a Coke

How true these are I do not know

Saturday 6 February 2021

Life herelast week


Had a sleep in till 7.20am and got my own breakfast.

Kathy & girls turned up at 8.45 to shower me and do my ironing for me.

Mum's 81st birthday, I printed a mother-daughter poem for her and I had 2 $10 gift cards for Woolworths, this made her happy.

I went over for lunch, we had fish and chips. Little Denni was not happy about that.

Tim arrived just after we ordered lunch so it was good to have him there.

It was a good day.

Awake and up at 6.30 suppose to be another 24 with thunderstorms aka a sticky day for me again.

Tim at work today then he is off f or 6 days using his long service leave.

Mum was all over the place when we spoke.

Woke at 5.50 and straight out of bed as school is back. Opened the house and had my wash and Tasha arrived to get me ready for the day.

Leo wasn't able to find a school shirt this morning.

Tim took his bike and got a price to spruce it up cost $5400.

Also arranged for the front sliding door glass to be replaced cost $625 at my suggestion Tim & Leo will split the cost.

Mum was sounding good not rambling as much.

I woke before the alarm at 6am, opened the house and then Tasha arrived.

Another cool/cold and wet morning, Tim went up with Leo because of the rain.

Tim emailed the DoH about a neighbour, as in a complaint.

The glass in the front sliding door was replaced.

Mum was rambling a lot this afternoon. She said she thought that Sandy & Sue were talking about her on the weekend, I told her that didn't happen but she sounded like she didn't believe me.

What a shit night I had I kept waking every 2-3 hrs which is so annoying. The last time was 9 mins before my alarm so I got up.

A cold start to the day had to wear my white jacket, when I went with Leo to meet his driver.

Tim at last posted the dozen letters I had ready to be posted.

He also took the bike in for it's freshen up and of course paid our contents insurance.

Mum was all over the place this afternoon.

Slept better but not great woke before the alarm, found the kitchen a mess.

Had my yearly eye check up these I have because I have diabetes, all is good no problems with them.

Tim has gone fishing over at Stockton beach.

After returning from fishing Tim cut my hair very short as in a number 6 with his clippers. Yes it is shorter then I like but I go nowhere and see no one so I will be fine.

A new day, suppose to be hotish around 28 degrees.

I am swimming in sweat.

Had a lay down for about an hour but didn't nap. As it is a late day for Jess and Tasha has to drive Blain to his dads.

Jess here by 4.15 earlier then expected.

It is 7pm and I am s o tired just can't settle, I feel very restless.

Tim showed me a letter he has written to a neighbour we don't like I told him kinda what I think, I will talk to him more tomorrow. It is too religious.

Friday 5 February 2021

What Jo-Anne Thinks


Hi all this is a what Jo-Anne thinks..............

Today I am thinking about hair cuts and styles everyone has a different idea what looks good and what looks horrible. I am sure many people will think I look horrible of ridicules but I am fine with how I look,

Yesterday I allowed Tim to cut my hair using his hair clippers with the largest setting because Tasha wanted me too have very short hair.

So short hair is what I have.

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Wednesday is poem day


Special True Friend


Published: February 2006

It has meant so much
Having you as a friend.
You will always be a part of me
Until the end.

When times are tough,
You are always there.
It has brightened my world
Just knowing you care.

You make me feel the love
I have inside.
You are a friend,
A mentor, a guide.

Since we met,
Our friendship has grown.
While you're in the world,
I will never be alone.

I feel blessed to have met
Someone like you
And to have found a friendship
So special and true.


Tuesday 2 February 2021

Tuesday = Indestrictible Stuff Day


Hello to another Tuesday which means it's another indestructible stuff day.

Today's thing is a marauder vehicle one of the toughest and indestructible cars you could drive.

Although you can buy one and drive it on a normal road, it was designed for war zones often for making an area safe after a conflict. In such situations soldiers could come under attack from the enemy and there could be mini bombs around.

So the marauder was reinforced, exposition proof hull on all sides including underneath. However, unlike a tank it has normal wheels and can go as fast as a normal vehicle and on any terrain.

Monday 1 February 2021

Monday= Fact Day


Here we are at Monday so here are more useless facts.

The fastest moon in our solar system circles Jupiter once every seven hours travelling at 70,400 miles peer hour.

Oak trees do not have acorns till they reach 50 years of age.

A piece of meteorite from Mars about the size of a pea once sold for 4,583 pounds that is over a thousand times its weight in gold.

The Egyptians were extremely fond of cats, the penalty for killing a cat 4,000 years ago was death

Planet Earth actually rotated faster a hundred million years ago, making each year longer by roughly five days. 600 million years ago a year was 425 days.


  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...