Sunday, 12 July 2020

The post I nearly forgot to pst

I had a decent nights sleep,woke at 4 to pee but went straight back to sleep waking again at 7.15 and getting up. I got dressed in the bathroom again.
Jess and Leo turned up for a bit she was wanting her car back while they were here Tasha treated Leo's hair for head lice.
Blain is at his mum's for the first week of the school holidays.
Awake with the alarm and straight out of bed dressed in the bathroom, thought I heard Tasha but no she wasn't here nor had she been here.
I had heard what sounded like someone coming in the front door at around 6am the door was unlocked but no sign of anyone. However she did turn up at 7am with a load of washing.
Tim on late starts again he started at 2.30pm so he left at 1.45pm.
Mum was good a little confused but so was I
Up with the alarm as usual another cold day but not for my body, got dressed in the bathroom again. Had a quick bath.
Found Tasha in the laundry she agreed to wash another neighbours close because his father's washing machine doesn't clean them. I understand and have no problem with her doing that.
Jess & Leo turned up with KFC for their lunch my lunch was already cooking in the oven.
Had the doctor ring so I could get a new script he said he would send it to the chemist for me. I like being able to have phone appointments for scripts.
Had to cancel my appointment with the podiatrist as I am not feeling that well.
Leo here for the night because he wanted to stay.
Up with the alarm even though there is no school at the moment.
I decided to have a bath so I sent Tasha a text to let her know, as I was getting in she walked into the bathroom and washed my hair for me. I managed to get in and out ok.
Let Leo sleep till he woke up naturally which was at 10.45am, just after Papa woke up.
I ironed Tim's work shirts and Jess's work shirt as well.
Leo made himself a toasted sandwich
Jess arrived at 11.20 to get Leo and she brought my Thompson's pie order.
Sandy arrived to drop off something from our brother and took a heap of food with her from my freezer stuff I didn't want.
Tasha has sold her car so she is happy.

I woke before my alarm this morning, I got dressed in the bathroom again, Tasha was here to help get my breakfast stuff ready. She also put my socks on, two pair today.
A quiet day mostly spent alone. Mum a bit confused when I spoke to her.
Kathy rang to check on me.
I got up when the alarm went off and found Tasha in the laundry throwing in a load of washing. She helped me dress and get my breakfast.
Tim had 25 minute chat with someone from his Superfund he sent me the record call so I can listen to it later.
I felt so tired that I went and had a 1hr nap, afterwards I was very cold and had to turn the heater on for a bit.
Saw Jess & Leo this afternoon she told me that she is working tomorrow and Leo will be here all day and tomorrow night.

Had a sleep in this morning, got up at 7.30, found that Tasha had been down as the washing machine was going.
Jess arrived around 8 on her own she arranged for Papa to pick him up around lunchtime.
Tim went out to go to the chemist but for some reason didn't get the scripts because I need a new script I am annoyed but not sure who to be annoyed with.
Leo is here for the night
Kathy rang and said she will be here tomorrow.


  1. Greetings! Hope all is well with you and your love ones. Last night was cold after a heavy downpour. I didn't even on the fan.

  2. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Well, I've been waking up also around 4:00 AM a lot and at times I get tired after being up for several hours. Today I even went back to bed for a nap, together with Pieter. Haha, being in your 70th year is finally kicking in I guess.
    But no, not really. I was very tired from being for three days on the phone with a nasty bank, the Ameris Bank. We use their ATM all the time and pay each time $ 4.00. But no cash had been dispersed this time; only the receipt for the $ 504.00. Good grief. Due to Covid, they keep their office closed, only drive through at the window. But a person came outside and made a copy of the receipt and said they would check end of the day for an overage. Also they could check their security camera to see the entire transaction. Next day I called, she had watched the video and said, it was clear that we did not get any cash. But when I asked for a written statement to show to our Dutch bank... NO, we can't do that! Good grief! What a hell for 3 days. Yes, the Dutch bank where our pensions are being paid, had deducted the full amount and we had ZERO. I called the head office in Jacksonville FL but the very same, unwilling service. I also did regret that I had not taped the conversation where the ass. manager said she had watched the video and it was obvious, there was no cash dispersed. But on Friday, when she promised to call back she never did but when I called her, I finally managed to tape it. Then she again said, I cannot give you any statement... I told her that the day before she'd said that she saw on the video there was no money dispersed. Well, she said, I'm not even allowed to give you that information! That is only for criminal cases and then the police can look at the videos, not us... So I said, you mean I should contact the police, I think I WILL and thank you! That's what we did, got a police report but by the time that got handed to us, they of course got closed... Tomorrow we will go there with the police report and the police officer told us we should have asked for the head office's fraud department. And no, he could not view that video that was for the bank to check. Only if they continue to react ugly, they will let an investigator step in and actually go there.
    So that's why I got so tired, tossing at night for not sleeping well because of such a big loss of money etc.
    We'll see how things go tomorrow!

  3. nancy......Hi, life is good here,

    Mariette......Oh my what drama, have you managed to get your money back, why do cmpanies have to make everything so difficult

  4. Nope, no penny yet... Indeed what a drama!

  5. HORRIBE what happened to Mariette!


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...