Monday, 6 July 2020

More did you know facts

Good morning world here I am on another Monday morning sitting here in lightweight long pants and a summer tee shirt and yes it is cold here only 7 degrees when I got up now it is around 9 or 10 degrees but I am hot again.

Well here are this weeks did you know facts.
It took 214 crates to ship the Statue of Liberty from France to New York in 1885

The beam of light from the top of The Luxor hotel & casino in Las Vegas was the most powerful in the world being the equivalent of 40 billion candles the beam was visible to aeroplanes from a distance of 250 miles.

Superman first appeared lifting a car on the cover of “action comic” in 1938, originally he couldn't fly just leap tall buildings but h his super powers have increased over time.

The fattest ever footballer was Willie Henry Foulke, an English goalkeeper who weighed in at 26 stone or 16 kilos his nickname was “Fatty”

There was around 20 million Volkswagen Bettles made



  1. There was around 20 million Volkswagen Beetles made - I used to have one!

  2. My dad had a beetle when they came over to the US when we were kids. Loved that little car. :)

  3. Hi Jo-Anne - I had an orange beetle in South Africa - it did me proud ... take care - Hilary

  4. Fun facts. I never owned a beetle but I did go from Sydney to Brisbane in one as a passenger in the squeezy back seat.

  5. How interesting.
    A cousin had a Beetle...was fun.

  6. At that weight the only other position he could have played was pitch roller

  7. I always learn something when I visit your blog, Jo-Anne,

  8. Sandie.....So did my parents

    Rita.....Many did

    Hilary.......Orange, how cool

    Diane B.......That's a long trip in a squeezy seat

    Margaret D.......Pleased you liked the post
    Chris......So bloody true

    Rick....You are welcome


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...