Saturday, 25 July 2020

Life here last week

Up and dressed at 7am, Tim is off again this is the 4th day he has had off.
Jeannie's birthday she is 52 today, she rang me on Friday to thank me for her present that I sent up via snail mail.
Tim home all day, we watched Ghost Adventures & Ghost Asylum all day something we both like.
Mum was good although she forgot to send Jeannie a birthday message.
I am super tired and feel like going to bed but it is only 2.30pm.
Up with the alarm as per usual, dressed in the bathroom a bloody cold morning.
Tasha is going out of her mind with an irritating itch .
Tim is back at work after 5 days off.
Rang the doctors surgery to arrange a phone appointment, I expect he will ring late in the afternoon.
I am going to bed and still no phone call from the Dr but have an hour before the surgery closes. I will have my phone next to me while I listen to my book.
Up and dressed at 6am before the alarm Jess & Leo arrived around 7am it is pretty cold, had to put on a long sleeve singlet.
Leo's driver has a new car a nice black van, as he has an extra child to drive.
I rang and changed Tasha's Dr appointment from tomorrow to this afternoon. He rang me 4.45 yesterday and said I have to go see Dr Wabbas for a review, this has to be done every 12 months because it is a class A drug.
Tasha has a UTI she is now on antibiotics and has to drink Ural which is disgusting I told her to try mixing it with juice, which is what mum used to do.
I got up when the alarm went off, another bloody cold morning , I got dressed in the bathroom ready to go to the doctors.
Tasha isn't any better and this makes me feel guilty that I need her t o go out and take me to the Dr.
Tasha is in a lot of pain so she asked if she could see Dr Arun and she could. He has sent her for 2 ultrasounds as she may have kidney stones or a kidney infection.
I went to Coles for Jessica and it was nice to walk around the store.
I am so exhausted this afternoon, I had to take phenergan for my nose.
Up at 6.15am and got dressed in the bathroom as it was bloody cold only 5 degrees
I was getting dressed when I heard someone in the kitchen, I thought it was Leo but it turned out to be Tasha and she was getting my breakfast ready. She is starting to feel a little better. She has her 1st ultrasound today and the 2nd tomorrow.
Mum was late ringing, I ended up ringing her at 2.20 seems she forgot about me,
Leo here for the night
Up as usual, dressed because staying in my pj's all day isn't me. Tasha came and helped me get my morning stuff ready such as meds, breaky & socks.
Tasha had 2nd ultrasound the scanned show something, she will find out more on Tuesday..
She spoke to the GP it does look like she has kidney stones she has an appointment to see him on Tuesday.
Jess home early enough to meet Leo this afternoon she will help me get ready for bed.


  1. What a lot to do and take care of. Here of course, it is still hot. Even slight cooling won't be until November or late October. We have friends in New Zealand who used to send pictures of outside BBQ and picnicking on Christmas. Was so strange to us who have opposite seasons.

  2. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Hope it will work out well for Tasha and that her itch is going away. Oh, that part I know this summer too well as my latex allergy must have flared up and how. The saying is that itch is far worse than pain... I do agree with that!
    So staying in some comfy clothing with no stretch in, not wearing bras... but it is tough! Almost anything nowadays has added elastane!
    That too will one day vanish.
    Love the 'bloody' words as I remember that so well form my weeks of working with Aussies. They kept saying: 'Those bloody mushies', referring on all the mushrooms that needed to be harvested.
    We've had bloody hot weather and now it pours down, for several hours already with heavy thunder. So good for the scorched lawn!
    Hope you feel better too, not easy when your loved ones go through all sorts of issues, health related.
    Oh, believe it or not on Friday we finally, after 16 days got our US $ 500 back. Not from the American bank though but I send the police report and all evidence to our Dutch bank via private message on Twitter. That started the ball rolling. They said, oh my goodness, that is awful so they called us (well, at 3:45 AM) when I didn't want to wake up Pieter! Had to call them back but it only worked out the next day, very courteous and so helpful. Could not believe my eyes when finally the money got added to our account. Guess they have a special legal department that far better can deal with the issue. It looks like someone at this bank wanted to put it in her pocket and scam an elderly man! Not on my watch though; I'm still his fighter, don't grief him or else... Glad justice got done.

  3. Our days here are a mixture of sun & rain mostly in the afternoon or evening. It is good to have family members around to lend a helping hand. If it is kidney stones, hope the doctor will recommend the best way to remove the stones for Tasha. Take care and stay healthy.

  4. The first kidney stones are no joke torture. After a while though, one gets used to them. Relatively, that is.

  5. That's a lot going on. I hope Tasha is okay!!

  6. Katie......Never had a BBQ for Christmas Day

    Mariette......Tasha is much better, thannks and dealing with banks are an exercise in stress. I guess I say bloody a lot

    Nancy.......Tasha gets the results tomorrow, she is feeling better

    Chris.....Yeah they are damn painful

    Mama...,..,.Yes she is thank you


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...