Tuesday, 14 July 2020

The Old Gum Tree

Here we are at another Tuesday and that means it is plant day and today's plant is the eucalyptus tree found here in Australia as well as in the Philippines they are native to Australia and can live for up yo 250yrs.

They are generally called “Gum” trees and are home to Koalas who live off their leaves. Leaves which can dangerous to dogs, cats and horses.

They love fire as well, yep that's what I said ol maybe they don't love fires but they are mot in fear of them which consider how hot it gets down here in some parts ok lot's of parts. If in a fire the tree buns to the ground they can re-grow from its woody stump. It also has fire sensitive seeds that pop open when a fire burns them. They then grow well in the newly burned ashy ground.

They will also help spread fire because they make a flammable oil and release flammable gas into the air, if they are struck by lighting they can burst into flames and its gassy fumes help to draw the fire up the tree spreading it to branches and spreading it to other trees.


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Love the Gum Nuts from the Australian books...
    Also the Eucalyptus trees for their fragrance.

  2. I find that very interesting - have never heard of a Gum Tree before.

  3. I had no idea they lived that long! Wow! :)

  4. A very interesting tree especially when it can grow back even after being burnt by fire. Happy Day to you.

  5. That is amazing how those trees can survive fires like that. I do know many Redwood trees and pines, need fire so the pinecones can spread trees but I don't know if they will still grow if they have been burned down.

    We have many eucalyptus trees here in California, but I don't believe I have ever seen a Gum tree. Well, I'm a tree lover and its a beautiful tree.

    Thanks for the information.

  6. Mariette.......I know the books, like you I like the smell of eucalypus

    Sandie.......Pleased I told you something new

    Rita.......Me either

    Nancy......That's what I thought

    Margaret D......Me too

    Debby....Yes the are amazing I read they are in other coutries

  7. I knew they were called gum trees from the kookaburra song we used to sing in elementary, but sure hadn't thought about it for a while!

  8. I'm shocked that there's any tree that can live through being on fire. Cool bit of information.

  9. That is surprising. I have read the term Gum tree and never knew what it meant. They are remarkable!

  10. Chris......I thoought of that song as I wrote this post

    Karen......Same here

    Katie.....Yes they are remarkable


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