Wednesday, 8 July 2020


Let''s talk about privacy at home, growing up I didn't realise that it wasn't the norm for children to have locks on their bedroom doors allowing them to lock the door from the inside to have privacy.

I received many letters from penpals they would be left on my bed for me when I got home from school unopened at times I would have a diary which I would leave laying on my bed on dressing table.

Neither of my parents looked through it this I thought was the norm, I was in my mid teens when I discovered other teenagers didn't have that.

My mum didn't have such privacy growing up, like me she had penpals but her mum would open her mail and read it and a lock on her door that just wasn't heard of.

All my girls could have bedroom door locks if they wanted and reading a diary belonging to one of them no bloody way, that is just wrong.

What was it like for you growing up?

Did you have much privacy?


  1. No locks. I feel locks from the inside are a very bad idea if there were a fire.

  2. I don't remember a whole lot about my childhood - but having privacy was not an issue I remember.

  3. No locks on the bedroom doors but I had privacy. Mostly because my folks weren't that interested in us kids and what we were doing--LOL! I never snooped through my son's room, though. And nobody snooped through my personal space/desk, etc.

  4. Never did I have a lock on my bedroom door, my parents didn't snoop either, if they wanted to know something they asked.
    I always had privacy as far as I can remember.

  5. I can't remember much but I think there was hardly any privacy because I don't have the luxury of having a room all to myself.

  6. I had no privacy. My mother would read my letters and anything else she found. She took necklaces from my jewelry box and gave them away. Same thing with some of my clothes. We did have a lock on the bathroom door, but a key was above the door "just in case someone got locked in the bathroom," which made no sense. My mother used the key once to come in when I was taking a bath. After that, I stole the key and hid it. Everyone should have some privacy unless it's dangerous in some way.


  7. Ian......My girls and Leo rarely lock their bedroom doors usually when they are getting dressed, never at night while sleeping as that can be dangerous.

    Sandie.......If it wasn't a problem then it's all good

    Rita.......You don't need a lock to have privacy, if your family diddn't snoop it was good and not needed

    Margareet D......That is good, I know some who didn't have that

    Nancy.......I always had my own room,, I guess I was lucky

    Janie.....I can't imagine having no privacy although in high school my best friend hadnone at all, her parents would walk in and out of her room without knocking.

  8. I'd have to say I had little privacy... didn't know I needed it. IDK if my other siblings had the same experience or not, but I'll bet the girls didn't.

  9. I had a lock on my bedroom door but that didn't stop my mom from reading my diary or snooping. She only did it when she thought I was "up to something."

    Maybe its why to this day, I have trust issues and I don't keep things around that would incriminate me.

  10. I had my own room but locks on the doors of children's bedrooms aren't the norm here.


Week 10 of 2025

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