Tuesday, 28 July 2020


What a cold and wet day we are having and it is plant day today's plant is the Humongous Fungus if you think it is a mushroom you would be right. It is a colloquial name given to large colonies of mushrooms

When you think mushroom you think small above ground plant but this one is found underground and you may not even see it if you are standing next to it.

A mushroom isn't just what you see but also has a network of hair-like roots called the mycelium that spreads through the soil sucking up food.

The mycelium keeps spreading out and new mushrooms pop up in places as it grows. The biggest known fungus is a type of honey mushroom growing quin Oregon USA, it coves 965 hectares which is nearly 4squ miles or 1300 football fields.

They are edible if cooked, if raw they have an acid taste.


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    The mycelium lives underground and it transports the water and nutrients to the top where fruit bodies are formed and that are mushrooms!
    In the fall, you see them after lots of rain, cooler temperatures and they live on the decomposing leaves and other pieces from nature that only mushrooms can digest due to their enzyme system. No human, animal or insect can handle that. So they are at the end of the chain in recycling things in nature.

  2. Interesting to read about the mushrooms.

  3. That would go good on a giant pizza...

  4. Wow, 4 square miles? That's a whole lot of mushrooms.

  5. Mariette.......Thank you for that information adding to what I wrote

    Margaret D.......Thank you

    Chris...If you say so

    Karen........Bloody oath it is

  6. I wouldn't dare pick any of the wild mushrooms because I don't know whether they are edible or poisonous.


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...