Monday, 27 July 2020

More Facts

Hello everyone , it is cold and wet today and I feel like shit, stuffed up in the head and a tight chest but that is neither here or there because it is fact day.

The area of the earth is almost 200 million square miles, if you say so

Earth travels through space at 66,700 miles per hour, sounds fast

A “funambulist” is a tight rope walker, I can't even pronounce it

The word “electric” was first used back in the 1600's by Dr William Gilbert a doctor to Queen Elizabeth 1, I wonder why the word was used and what it described back then.

The thin line of cloud that forms behind an aircraft at high altitudes is called a contrail, ok .


  1. I had no idea a tight rope walker was a “funambulist”.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne - those numbers are difficult to relate to - aren't they? I did know funambulist ... but not that 'electric' was first used back in the 1500s if it was Elizabeth 1 - she lived to 1601. But in Wikipedia - there's reference - if anyone is interested - under the page 'Etymology_of_electricity'. More importantly take care - and feel easier soon - Hilary

  3. Didn't know what you called a person who walked a tight rope...interesting, they all are.
    Hope you feel ok tomorrow.

  4. I too find the word hard to pronounce. Interesting facts. Happy weekend.

  5. Know what the contrail is, we have a lot of whack jobs that think the government feeds us mind control drugs in them. Hope this doesn't post twice, Bloggers in a snit.

  6. Sandie......Me either

    Hilary.....Trust the book I use to get it wrong

    Margaret D........Yes they are interesting

    Nancy.....Many w ould

    Chris......You know more then I do

  7. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Hope you soon feel better and get over that feeling stuffed up!
    Guess also Queen Elizabeth I, could have some 'electric' hair in winter time when brushing it makes it static... One way of understanding how and why it got used.
    Wish we could go back in time and see, feel, smell... But maybe it is better not to!


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...