Monday, 13 July 2020

Facts Monday

Good morning world, good morning Monday, good morning everyone, how is life treating you?
I am well, life is good, I am happy things good by worse and thing could be better but life is what it is so I just deal with life's shit as and when it happens

Here are this weeks five facts.

Winston Churchill was a stutterer, as a child one of his teachers warned him that of the stutter he shouldn't go into politics.

On the 5th October 1974 4yrsmths &16 days after setting out from Minnesota making Dave Kunste the first person to walk around the whole world taking around 20 million steps.

Some say the American Government's nickname “Uncle Sam” came from Uncle Sam Wilson a meat inspector in Troy New York.

After the French Revolution in 1789 the selling of sour wine was considered against the national interest and anyone found doing so was promptly executed.

The pin that holds a hinge together is called a pintle

Damn it is now late in the aternoon


  1. Hi Jo-Anne - I didn't know about 'a pintle' ... interesting word and thing! Take care and have a good week - Hilary

  2. Goodness, things were tough back in 1789.

  3. I actually knew about Churchill and Uncle Sam, but the rest were news to me.

  4. Reading your blog is educational:)

  5. Hilary......Pleased you liked the post

    Margaret D......Yes it was

    Karen......You knew more then me

  6. Some say the American Government's nickname “Uncle Sam” came from Uncle Sam Wilson a meat inspector in Troy New York.
    Why did he become so popular I wonder?????


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...