Thursday 30 May 2019

Poem Thursday No:14

I didn't do a post yesterday because I had an appointment with the podiatrist followed by Tasha going to the post office and the shops. I then came home and wrote a couple of letters and just forgot to write a post. I did read a couple dozen blogs.

Anyway here is today's offering........

Friendship and Kindness walk arm-in-arm
through life. One without the other is
bittersweet; together they are joy and
comfort. For one is silver, the other gold.


  1. Hi Jo-Anne ... lovely and so true ... great to read - cheers Hilary

  2. Those words are good, love them infact.

  3. Chris.......That's good


    Hilary......I am pleased you liked it

    Margaret......That's good you think so


Borderline Personality Disorder & Relationships

  So here I am on a wet Thursday morning tyring to write a post about BPD but mostly just looking at the computer screen or the rain outside...