Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Crreature Wednesday

Hello world, here we area at Wednesday so it is creature day and today's creature is the kangaroo.

There are four types of kangaroos, the Red, the Antilopine and the Western & Eastern Greys. The largest is the Red kangaroo which stands at 2 metres, it's top speed is 65 km/h and it can jump 3 metres high and 7.6 metres in length.

When on land their hind legs move together, but when in water their legs move separately, they are the only animals that use hopping as their primary method of movement.

Female kangaroos can determine the sex of their offspring. They can even delay gestation when environmental factors are likely to diminish the chance of young surviving.
Like all marsupials, kangaroos are born extremely early; the equivalent of the seventh week of pregnancy for humans. They travel from the birth canal as little more than an embryo by blindly propelling through the mother’s fur to the safety of the pouch, where they will spend several months developing before finally leaving to explore the world.
Young kangaroos are called Joeys and will sometimes jump head first into their mother’s pouch when frightened.
Kangaroos have excellent hearing, and like some other animals are able to move their ears in different directions without moving the rest of their head.
There are more kangaroos than humans in Australia. They are the national symbol of Australia and appear on postage stamps, coins, and aeroplanes.


  1. Amazing creatures are out Kangaroos - some of those facts i didn't know.

  2. I also saw on a nature show that the nipple for their milk in the pouch changes in size with the joey. Amazing creatures! :)

  3. I loved that - you are educating me - I didn't know that.

  4. Margaret........Yes they are

    Rita......Yes they are amazing

    Sandie.....I am pleased you liked the post

  5. Antilopine is a new one on me...

  6. Thank you for all the interesting facts about the kangaroos. They are really amazing creatures.


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