Monday, 13 May 2019

Did you know No: 20

Good morning, yes it is morning still, just.........

Well it's Monday so it is did you know day, the day I share useless and trivial facts, which may or may not be 100% true.

The Jews and the early Christians started the day at sunset,that's weird. Anyway this means Christmas Eve was in fact the first part of Christmas Day. It was only later, how much later I do not know as the damn book doesn't tell me, anyway as I was saying it was at a later time that it came to mean the day before.

The longest time a person has been in a coma and woken up is 37 years.

The Moon is one million times dryer than the Gobi Desert and weighs about 81 billion tons, how the hell do they know that.

The most sensitive finger on the human body is the index finger.

The thumbnail grows the slowest.

Now to post this while it is still morning.


  1. Hi Jo-Anne - still morning here ... and yes my index finger is the most sensitive ... have a good week - Hilary

  2. Interesting they all are Jo-Anne..
    Amazing re Christmas Eve though

  3. The one who woke up from coma after 37 years will have a hard time catching up with the time he or she missed.

  4. I would love to read more about the person who woke up from the coma after 37 years--wow!

    Weight of the moon sounds like scientific guesstimation--LOL! ;)

  5. I think I'd dispute the thumbnail thing... but prolly I'd lose...

  6. Very interesting, although I do doubt a few of those.

  7. Hilary......Morning here at the moment but also a different day

    Margaret.....Yeah I thought so too

    Nancy........I agree, so much would have changed

    Rita.......Me too and yeah I reckon so too

    Chris.......Mine grow pretty fast

    Karen.......Yeah I get that

  8. I think they may get a good guess going by using the mass of the moon to calculate. They know its composition from the moon rocks etc.


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