Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Wednesday's Ramblings or About My Mum's Aniogram

 Guess what I sound awful, croaky and like I am losing my voice but in myself I feel better than I did yesterday also I have an ear ache in my left ear running down to my jaw but not so bad that it is unbearable…………Anyway Little Leo has conjunctivis but the viral type not the bacteria type so he doesn’t need drops for it and can go back to day care tomorrow, although Jessica has taken him over today to have his photo taken. 

I had to go and pick mum up to go and see nan today as she can’t drive till maybe Friday, because yesterday she had to have an angiogram done for those of you who have no idea what an angiogram is, it is this:

A coronary angiogram is a special x-ray of your heart using an injected contrast dye. The angiogram looks for heart muscle or heart valve abnormalities. It can also see if the coronary arteries are narrowed or blocked. An angiogram can also diagnose heart problems including aneurysm (abnormal ballooning of the heart wall), heart arrhythmias (irregular heart beat) or birth defects, such as a hole in the heart.

It showed that mum had has heart disease but what happens next we will find out when she goes back to see the specialist. With mum they went in through the arm.

Like all procedures there are risks involved but mum said when the doctor came to get her to sign the consent form she couldn’t help think you tell me all these things that could go wrong and then say sign please. Possible complications of an angiogram:
·         Allergic reaction to the contrast dye, including hives and itchy skin
·         Bleeding from the wound
·         Heart arrhythmia
·         Heart attack
·         Stroke.

Also I want to get more organised yes you read that right I want to be more organised, I know many people already think I am organised but lately I haven’t felt like it so I am thinking I might start making a list of everything I want or need to do in a day and make things off as I go along. It can’t hurt to give it try right…………
I want to set aside time to write blog post and save them for when I am too busy to write something or when I have an idea that I want to write about and feel it is better to do it while it is fresh in my mind, I also need to set aside time to write letters and then of course there is the everyday housework and stuff.

Back to Leo and his sticky eyes this morning I told him he had to go to the doctor about them and he was sure the doctor would make them worse and when I drove him over to Tasha’s place to wait for his mum to pick him up and take him to the doctors he says to me as we pull up “are you sure this is the doctors? “It looks like Tasha’s place”…………….funny kid.

Tim also had me change the sheets on the bed because he doesn’t want to get conjunctivas so I really should get off my bum and go and get the sheets on the line, thankfully Jessica helped me change the sheets. Ok sheets on the line and second load of washing on and I am wheezing something terrible………  

One more thing before I post Dawson’s mother had her baby at 3am this morning  7lb 03oz  she has decided to name him Landon Alister



  1. I hope your mom is alright. And his poor eye looks so sore. Prayers for everyone. sandie

    1. Should have said that the photo was taken from the internet but slipped my mind yesterday, Leo's eye doesn't look that Thank you for the prayers......

  2. Here's hoping all in your family who are ailing will move back into full health soon!

    1. Thank you I am the only one still not the best, Leo's eye is much better today and me well I sound worse then I feel.......

  3. When it rains it pours. I do sincerely hope all is well with your Mom and everyone else for that matter. I am sending as many good wishes as I can in hopes that will help. W

    1. You wouldn't think anything was wrong with mum to look at her she still a very busy woman.....and I sound worse then I feel.....

  4. Good luck to Mom.
    Hoping Leo's eye looks yuckier than it really is

    1. Leo's eye doesn't look that bad and he is at day care today, my mum is a touch woman and nothing slowers her down

  5. Congrats on the new baby! Hope everyone else gets to feeling better, including yourself. :)

    1. Thank you everyone but me are feeling better but I will get there

  6. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    OMG, how uncomfortable poor Leo must be!!! I am sending prayers for your mother; heart trouble must be really worrying...
    I guess you have a lot on your shoulders now; wishing God bless for all of your family.
    Happy for the new born baby, my friend.
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Thank you Leo is back at day care and his eye is not bothering him much, mum well she is still busy running around taking care of everyone like she does.

  7. Awesome name for the new one! I hope you and Leo get better ASAP!

    1. Yes I like the name too, I am sure I will improve over the next few days....

  8. Jo-Anne! I finally found your blog! I discovered I have two google+ accts. and I'm going to try to combine them. I think I connect w/ you on one and you follow me on the's nutty. Anyhoo...that sore eye looks so sad. :-( Hope that little guy gets feeling better. It's hard to learn that parents have health issues. Hope your mom gets good care.

    1. Well it is great you found me in the
      His eye is much better now and as for mum to see her you wouldn't know anything was ever wrong with her she is on the go from the time she gets out of bed till the time she goes to bed......I hope I am as active when I am


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...