Friday, 3 August 2012

My Friday and My Thursday and Geroge/Steve

Hey everyone it’s Friday and what does that mean well it has been another bloody busy day like most of my Fridays……………lol

Ok if anyone is interested in reading a little story I have written about an evil monkey go over here and have a look

Yesterday I was flat out reading other people’s blogs I forgot to write a post for my own blog, oh well not drama.  I also had to watch little Sydney-May while her mum was at work, since she was sick and unable to go to day care.  So for the second time this week mum and I took her out to the nursing home with us to see nan, I didn’t have my car seat so mum borrowed Sandra’s car seat and have to say it was a tight fit getting her into the seat but she was a good girl yesterday more then on Tuesday when she was a bit upset. In fact when mum arrived to get us she got upset when I went to put her in the car but was fine when she realised I was going with her………

It is still bloody cold here and I am still not using the heater unless I really have to…………………but yesterday we had 6 solar panels installed, hubby thought it would be a good idea maybe it is I don’t know only time will tell. When he suggested it I said no harm in asking if we can, since we rent I didn’t think we would get permission but I was wrong…………………..

I will leave you today with this quote by: Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt: “No ordinary work done by a man is either as hard or as responsible as the work of a woman who is bringing up a family of small children; for upon her time and strength demands are made not only every hour of the day but often every hour of the night.”


  1. I will go visit your story about the monkey. Glad you were able to make it all work together today, and love the Rooselvelt quote~

    1. Friday was busy and today has been spent reading blogs and damn have I read a lot of blogs today....and
      still have a few more to do before I write a post for today, or maybe I will look and see if I have one already written.

  2. Teddy was right.

  3. we keep the thermostats at 68 in winter and 72 in summer since heat bothers me much more than the cold. loved the quote and i really like the blue its so much easier to read! have a glorious weekend!

    1. I will keep in mind that you like the blue, glad you liked the quote......and I have had a great Saturday

  4. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    Whum, "an evil monkey" what kind of story could it be (*^_^*)
    Please keep warm, how can I give you this heat...
    Wonderful quote and it is SO true, isn't it!!!
    I hope the solar panels will work out well. And have a splendid week end, my friend.
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Today has been a beautiful sunny and warm day although I still have socks on because my feet have been

  5. Actually, I had read your guest-post. Isn't it interesting the legends a family builds when children are a part of the storytelling?

    1. Yes it is and my daughters all have a great imagaination.......

  6. Thanks again for sharing Steve/George yesterday. Very awesome to have you!!! :) Have an awesome Friday, weekend. I forget what day it is where you are!! :)

    1. Today is Saturday in fact it is Saturday afternoon and all day it has been beautiful sunny and warm outside

  7. Solar panels...that is interesting. I know very little about your weather. Are most days sunny? We rarely see solar panels in Kansas as we have so many cloudy gray days through the fall and winter that the return on the cost of the panels would take a long time. Here we see a growing use of wind technology being used.

    1. We have a lot of sunny days even in winter it will more often the not be nice and sunny even if it is cold it is still sunny, today has been a lovely sunny and warm day. I don't know much abut wind technology in fact I know nothing about

  8. hope you have a great weekend! keep warm. lol - no problem with warmth here as it's very hot. we're in a drought. so sad to see the dead and dying crops around.

    1. The weekend has started out great with such a beautiful Saturday, thankfully were I live we haven't had a drought in many years....

  9. wow..we are battling the heat here..I cannot even visualize cold!!
    teddy should have helped out more...sounds like he is making excuses.

    1. When it is summer here I am like that can't imagine the cold but then before I know it, it's here and I am

  10. I will be checking out your story... :))). Life is interesting at times, isn't it. I am looking forward to hearing more about the solar panels. :)))

    1. Yes in a few months when we know how the solar panels are working out I will post that........hope you liked the story

  11. I often wonder about the whole solar panel thing. Let me know how it works out for you. I would be interested to know. I will also go check out that link. :)


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...